Higher E ducation C omputing K nowledge Joel Geske Carolyn Hardy Dan Henroid Margaret Morris CI October 30, 2000
October 30, 2000 Project Overview Design a web-based course for teaching computer skills to adults WebCT 3.1 will be used for course interface Course content is similar to on- campus course CS103
October 30, 2000 Audience Demographics College Students at Iowa State Freshman and sophomore Well educated, top half of high school class Men and Women Ages primarily
October 30, 2000 Audience Psychographics Motivated to some degree Busy, juggling classes Still in early stages of college (less independent) Learning how to learn
October 30, 2000 Audience Geographies On campus learners Combination Self-learning and Lab Distance learners may come in future
October 30, 2000 Course Structure Students will go through learning modules at their own pace. Web-based material developed by one of the book publishers will be used. Students will be guided to use certain components.
October 30, 2000 Course Requirements Textbooks: Discovering Computers 2001 New Perspectives Series on MOP Other: Internet access account
October 30, 2000 Course Objectives Understand the fundamentals of computer nomenclature, particularly with respect to personal computer hardware and software and the World Wide Web Make use of the World Wide Web as a repository of the latest information and an integrated learning tool Develop an in-depth understanding of why computers are essential components in the business world and society in general
October 30, 2000 Course Objectives (cont.) Focus on the computer as a valuable productivity tool utilizing the Microsoft Office 2000 software suite Recognize the personal computer's position as the backbone of the computer industry and emphasize its use as a stand-alone and networked device Become familiar with strategies for purchasing, installing, and maintaining a personal computer system
October 30, 2000 Computer Literacy Topics The Components of the System Unit Input, Output, Storage The Internet and the World Wide Web Communications and Networks Applications Software, Systems Software Databases and Information Management Information Systems Development
October 30, 2000 Literacy Topics, Continued Program Development and Programming Languages Multimedia Security, Privacy, and Ethics
October 30, 2000 Course Applications Course is based on Microsoft Office Premium applications Word Excel Access PowerPoint Internet Explorer; plus Windows NT 4.0
October 30, 2000 Learning Teams 20 groups of 20 with 2 TAs per group Meet once a week for two hours 2 half-time instructors facilitating
October 30, 2000 WebCT WebCT Version 3.1 will be used Course will be team-designed by instructors Course will be an interface for organizing course content, assignments, and student progress Most content is already designed by outside sources partnered with textbook.
October 30, 2000 Assessment Practice tests and other learning applications are available. Tests will be available after each section. They will be completed during the lab session under TA supervision.
October 30, 2000 Example