Healthy Money Healthy You
Effects of debt upon Wellbeing
What are the signs associated with anxiety and depression?
Making the links….. Hot cross bun….. Greenberger and Padesky (1996) Thoughts Physical Mood Behaviours
Understand how financial difficulties can affect peoples health. Have we done this?
Is there anybody out there???
C.A.R.E. Consider Debt - Always consider debt as a possible underlying determinant of poor mental or physical health Ask about debt - people may be too embarrassed to discuss their financial difficulties. Ask questions about money worries as part of your routine practice and care planning. Refer consenting clients to an expert money adviser - know which free and independent advice services are available; sign post or refer as appropriate Engage with advisers - referring to a money adviser is the first step. You can help by providing clear and relevant information; reassuring client about advice process; seeing client to review and check how they’re feeling.
Any Questions
Thank you Contact details: Washington Mind Village Lane Washington Village NE38 7HS Tel: Website:
Acknowledgements Greenberger and Padesky (1996) - hot cross bun Office of Fair Trading – Budget Planner Age UK Sunderland – Fuel Poverty Questionnaire Money Advice Service – Basic Bank Accounts Information Booklet Illegal Money Lending Team – Loan shark literature Mind – Money and Mental Health Booklet