Electron Spectrometer Work Package Simon Jolly 19 th May 2014
Development Plan Confirm scintillator choice with Geant4 simulations (Completion Date: Q2 2014). 2.Map the magnetic field of the MBPS dipole (to begin as soon as reasonable; completion date Q3 2014?) 3.Simulations to characterise the system response (Q4 2014). 4.Vacuum level within spectrometer vacuum chamber (Q2/3 2014). 5.Vacuum chamber design: vacuum window and screen location (Q4 2014). 6.Background levels inside/outside spectrometer (Q4 2014). 7.Camera location (Q4 2014) Screen response and scintillator tests, including camera readout (Q1 2015). 2.Vacuum chamber: main design (start Q2 2015; completion date to be advised by CERN). 3.Shielding and collimation simulations and design around spectrometer region (Q3 2015). 4.Optical system design (Q4 2015) Mechanical support design (Q2 2016). 2.Optical system test (Q3 2016). 3.Analysis software (Q4 2016) –Installation 19/05/14Simon Jolly, UCL, AWAKE Spectrometer Work Package 2
Key Issues 1.What is the resolution limit of the current spectrometer design? 2.Do we place the screen inside or outside the vacuum? What is the transition between vacuum and air? 3.What is the optimum way for collecting the light from the screen and coupling it into the camera? 4.Confirm performance of the scintillator. 5.How do we test the optical system? 6.Will the optical system require active movers? 19/05/14Simon Jolly, UCL, AWAKE Spectrometer Work Package 3
Information Required 1.AWAKE CAD models relating to the spectrometer area. 2.Background levels in the spectrometer region.. 3.Status of the CERN fellow to work with CERN-BE-BI and UCL on the spectrometer. 4.Limitations on the location of the camera. 5.Plan for providing cabling, power and DAQ for the camera. Camera needs: –240V power (via PSU adapter and custom 3-pin connector). –USB for camera setup and data download. –2 x water connectors for cooling. –2 x SMA (BNC) cables for trigger/gating inputs (TTL compatible). –3 x SMA (BNC) cables for signal monitoring output (from possible 5; 50 Ohm 5V CMOS). –Need trigger from timing system. 6.Is there any requirement for an electron beam dump? 7.Is CERN solely responsible for the assembly, testing, installation and operation of the dipole? 19/05/14Simon Jolly, UCL, AWAKE Spectrometer Work Package 4