Leadership Course Agenda u Welcome / Questions? u Thoughts about ‘Evaluation’ u Introduction / Cpt. 1 u Next Day
Evaluation Example u Mid-term exam25%Nov. 2 u Individual Work –Leadership Log –Mentor Paper20%Nov. 23 –Cases u Barry Bucks (hand-ins)15%day-day u Group40%various –Charter – Sept 28: 5% –Report – Nov. 27: 20% –Presentation- Nov. 27:5% –Peer – Nov 27:5%
Evaluation Example u Individual project –Paper 1October 1830% (Mentor / Research Paper –Paper 2November 1230% (Reflection Journal; Portfolio) u Group Project –Leadership DevelopmentDec 25% u Participation(Barry Bucks)D2D15%
Leadership Challenge The World today/yesterday u Cynical u Power shifted u Connected u Fragmented u Knowledge Based u New Social Contract u People are Searching for Meaning Leadership in a New Context u Heightened Uncertainty u People first u More Connected u Social Capital u Global Economy u Speed u Changing Workforce u Intense search for Meaning
Chapter 1- The 5 Practices u Big Message? u Interesting? u Wonder points (Critical review)? u LLL – who are you now? u Who would like to start?
Fundamental Practices Context has and Content has not changed u Model the way u Inspire a shared vision u Challenge the process u Enable others to act u Encourage the heart
What Constituents Expect - K& P u Honest - consistency u Forward Looking - vision u Competent - record of achievement u Inspiring - cheerleader, excited, passion Credibility - trustworthy
Constituents - continued u First Law of Leadership “If we don’t believe in the messenger, we won’t believe the message u What does this mean to you? u Personal experience?
DWYSYWD u What do these words mean to you?
Essence of Leadership u Confidently express an attractive image of the future - and we must believe that they have the ability to take us there u Forward looking and inspiring u Dilemma - hold out a vision and people will criticize, therefore credibility suffers
Skill Development u Take a minute (or two) to develop a personal story about one of the five practices. Write down the key elements and plan how you will “present” your story. u Get together in groups of three and share your story with each other. u Were there common aspects?
Leadership Wisdom Covey – Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (1989) 1. Be proactive – make things happen 2. Begin with the end in mind – know where you are going. 3. Put first things first – urgent and important 4. Think “win-win” – mutual benefits 5. Seek to understand, and then to be understood – listen first and often 6. Synergize – value and exploit differences 7. Sharpen the Saw – physical, mental, social, spiritual
Leadership Quest u Stand-up u Close your eyes u If you are unsure of the direction - sit down u What does this tell you about leadership?
Next Day u Read: S & W – Chapter 11 (on web page) Prepare Q 1,2,3 on Case u Find a “story” on a Canadian Leader. u Prepare a written summary (and be prepared to talk) about this person’s leadership style / strengths / weaknesses