CPIT-498 Senior Project-1 Second Semester-2015
General Information about Senior Project
Course Learning Outcomes A student at the end of Senior-Project 1, will be able to 1. Identify a problem and provide suggested Solutions using / integrating different IT Technologies 2. Analyse the existing system / problem 3. Plan effectively for the different activities of the projects i.e. planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing and deployment 4. Prepare the Initial Design of the system / project 5. Explain ideas to the Supervisory-committee through presentations and answer their questions 6. Work with colleagues and Advisor in a group 7. Prepare Reports for the system / Project
Project Coordinators committee and Project Supervisor / Advisor Students can choose a supervisor / advisor. The Senior Year projects coordinators committee Dr.Sayed Buhari (Chairman of the Committee) Dr.Saim Rasheed Eng. Baker Soubani Eng.Fazal Qudus Khan
Introduction to Senior Project FAQS / Common Question that we ask ourselves? 1. What is a project? Solution for a specific Problem Scope of the project (Boundaries)---Big to small Integration / Combination of more than One knowledge areas in the field. Knowledge application in a particular Domain / Sector (Business/ Hospitals / Gov/ Ngov / Education etc) IT senior project-first semester (498), include Project Planning, Analysis and Design. 2. How will I do it? It is a group work, We need at maximum 2 in one group Evaluation criteria includes Rubrics prepared for the Presentations and Reports (2 Each)
Supervisor / advisor approval form Students must fill in Supervisor/ advisor agreement and must choose a supervisor on the given form and submit it to us within the first week-Lecturing week. Students must know that each professor can take a maximum of two groups, while a lecturer is also allowed to supervise only two maximum, while some professors and lecturers already have some groups. Students must realize the importance of choosing a supervisor i.e. must be based on the project idea, otherwise serious problems can occur.
Supervisor List Professors for SupervisionNo of projects allowed to take Dr.Ashraf Madkour1 Dr. Fuad Ba Jaber2 Dr.Monnawar Mustafa2 Dr.Rizwan Quereshi1 Dr.Ahmad Alzahrani2 Eng.Akbar Badhusha1
Rules for Accepting a Senior Yr. Project as an IT Project 1. Integrate more than one IT software and/or hardware technologies 2. Be Internet based (if appropriate) 3. Develop an original solution or new methodology for similar old solution 4. Be developed using software engineering methodologies. 5. Include appropriate level programming using standard programming languages or SDKs 6. End up with a proof-of-concept prototype 7. Be developed by a group of two students and the scope of the project must fits group size.
What is an IT Project Information Technologies are systems of hardware and/or software that capture, process, exchange, store and/or present information using electrical, magnetic and/or electromagnetic energy. IT is about Integration and Administration. IT is about using technologies and not creating it, for the betterment of the world. We may ask ourselves a question that how the Integration approach work in the Project? E.g. a project about a software for the hospital (Database, Programming, HCI, Software Engineering, Networking)
Professionalism and Information Technology
Grades Distribution ActivityMarks First Presentation5 Marks Report-115 Marks Report-225 Marks Final Presentation30 Marks Attendance5 Marks Supervisor Marks20 Marks
Plagiarism and how to avoid it? plagiarism at the department of Information Technology is intolerable and is punished severely. Plagiarisms is punishable by deferment by One Semester completely (obliterating student overall GPA) and may go severe depending upon the severity of the cheating which are decided and voted on the Coordinators committee meeting following notification. Plagiarism detection software’s will be used by the departmental coordinators Committee members (From First semester 2012/2013 onwards) to tackle possible violation of copyright and professionalism.
Specific about Project Report-1
Introduction Specific title: This should fall within the scope of the broad project topic and clearly identify the student’s chosen specific topic Normally a good topic contains…. A. Problem that has been addressed. B.Technology that will be used in the project. C. For whom is the project. (Optional) Kinect Assistive system for the physically Disabled People at XYZ hospital. A clear statement of your project aims: The project must deliver something tangible, and the student should be able to say clearly what that is. For example, development of a software system, production of a database or application of artificial intelligence to data interpretationThe project must deliver something tangible, and the student should be able to say clearly what that is. For example, development of a software system, production of a database or application of artificial intelligence to data interpretation
What is not accepted as an IT Project Students who have not passed 305. RFID For Parking Finding location by GPS. Website (Data in data out)
What are the most common domain and how I make sure that my project is accepted Get a real business case. Applications. Hardware and software integration. Innovative idea with a scope that fit senior projects (subjective)
Problem Definition It is said that “A problem well defined is half solved”: Problem definition: It has to be a non-trivial problem that is linked to real need or application. It has to be a non-trivial problem that is linked to real need or application. Explanation of project scope.Explanation of project scope. Target customer should be included Target customer should be included Suggested solution: It has to be realistic in both depth and extent It has to be realistic in both depth and extent It should include an initial description of the system using appropriate textual and/or diagrammatic notations It should include an initial description of the system using appropriate textual and/or diagrammatic notations It includes initial description of the activities (Requirements Specification, Analysis, Design, Implementation...etc….) student will undertake in the development of the project It includes initial description of the activities (Requirements Specification, Analysis, Design, Implementation...etc….) student will undertake in the development of the project
Important Deadlines
Task for the Next lecture Form Groups(2 students) Fill in the Form given to you List suggested advisor name on the Form Search for a topic(Real life problem, IT problem) Find a realistic IT solution for it. Your Project (problem and its solution should be IT related) Discuss the Topic in the next lecture with your supervisor Discuss Your ideas in suitable office hours with your supervisor.