Francisco Arango UNFCCC secretariat Draft JI LULUCF PDD form (incl. guidelines for users) Fourth meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC 04) Bonn, Germany September 2006
JI LULUCF PDD Form (Guidelines for users) Background Mandate Paragraph 3 (e) of the JI guidelines: Responsibility of the JISC for the elaboration of the JI PDD form for consideration by the COP/MOP; taking into account the CDM PDD; giving consideration to relevant work of the CDM Executive Board. JISC 03 agreement on a draft JI PDD form and guidelines for its users; request to the secretariat to prepare a draft PDD form and guidelines for its users for LULUCF projects in consultation with Mr. Goetze on the basis of modifying the draft JI PDD form.
JI LULUCF PDD Form (Guidelines for users) Basis 1. Decision 9/CMP.1, paragraph 4. Projects under Article 6 aimed at enhancing anthropogenic removals by sinks shall conform to definitions, accounting rules modalities and guidelines under Article 3, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Kyoto Protocol, Decision 16/CMP.1 IPCC Good Practice Guidance (GPG) for LULUCF. 2. Draft JI PDD form and guidelines for its users. 3. CDM-AR-PDD form and guidelines for completing the forms.
JI LULUCF PDD Form (Guidelines for users) Main considerations Ensure conformity with definitions, accounting rules modalities and guidelines under Article 3, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Kyoto Protocol, i.e. GPG for LULUCF. Specific LULUCF aspects under JI: LULUCF activities under JI are not restricted to A/R: Forest management, cropland management, grazing land management and revegetation may be eligible Maintain consistency with respect to the draft JI PDD form and guidelines for its users. Allow compatibility with the work from the Executive Board on methodologies for afforestation and reforestation.
JI LULUCF PDD Form (Guidelines for users) Relevant details Differences with respect to the draft JI PDD form and guidelines for its users: Changed wording to reflect LULUCF terminology Indications to the need to apply IPCC good practice guidance for LULUCF Additional definitions relevant to JI LULUCF projects: Forest and LULUCF activities Carbon pools Elaboration of existing definitions: Project Project boundary Leakage
JI LULUCF PDD Form (Guidelines for users) Relevant details New sections: A.4.2. ensures conformity with definition of LULUCF activities as provided in decision 16/CMP.1. B.2. reflects GPG, assisting in the identification of the carbon pools to be taken into account. B.3. reflects GHG and assists in the identification of GHG emission sources to be taken into account. D.1.1 reflects GPG and allows compatibility with CDM methodologies.
JI LULUCF PDD Form (Guidelines for users) Relevant details Modified sections: A emphasises the geographical nature of the project boundary in LULUCF projects. A.4.6. and A reflect the aim of LULUCF projects. B.1. and D.1. give guidance on the obligation to conform with definitions, accounting rules modalities and guidelines under Article 3, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Kyoto Protocol. D.1.2. reflects GPG the aim of LULUCF projects. E.1. to E.5. reflect the procedure for the calculation of the enhancement of removals by the LULUCF project.