Higher-Spin Geometry and String Theory Augusto SAGNOTTI Universita’ di Roma “Tor Vergata” QG05 – Cala Gonone, September, 2005 Based on: Francia, AS, hep-th/ ,, , AS, Tsulaia, hep-th/ AS, Sezgin, Sundell, hep-th/ Also: D. Francia, Ph.D. Thesis, to appear Based on: Francia, AS, hep-th/ ,, , AS, Tsulaia, hep-th/ AS, Sezgin, Sundell, hep-th/ Also: D. Francia, Ph.D. Thesis, to appear
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept Plan The (Fang-) Fronsdal equations Non-local geometric equations Local compensator forms Off-shell extensions Role in the Vasiliev equations
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept The Fronsdal equations (Fronsdal, 1978) Originally from massive Singh-Hagen equations (Singh and Hagen, 1974) Unusual constraints: Gauge invariance for massless symmetric tensors:
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept Bianchi identities Why the unusual constraints: 1. Gauge variation of F 2. Gauge invariance of the Lagrangian As in the spin-2 case, F not integrable As in the spin-2 case, F not integrable Bianchi identity: Bianchi identity:
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept Constrained gauge invariance If in the variation of L one inserts: Are these constraints really necessary?
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept The spin-3 case A fully gauge invariant (non-local) equation: Reduces to local Fronsdal form upon partial gauge fixing (Francia and AS, 2002)
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept Spin 3: other non-local eqs Other equivalent forms: Lesson: full gauge invariance with non-local terms
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept Kinetic operators Index-free notation: Now define: Then:
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept Kinetic operators generic kinetic operator for higher spins when combined with traces: Defining:
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept Kinetic operators Are gauge invariant for n > [(s-1)/2] Satisfy the Bianchi identities For n> [(s-1)/2] allow Einstein-like operators The F (n) :
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept Geometric equations Christoffel connection: Generalizes to all symmetric tensors (De Wit and Freedman, 1980)
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept Geometric equations 1.Odd spins (s=2n+1): 2.Evenspins (s=2n): 2.Even spins (s=2n): (Francia and AS, 2002)
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept Bosonic string: BRST The starting point is the Virasoro algebra: In the tensionless limit, one is left with: Virasoro contracts (no c. charge):
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept String Field equation Higher-spin massive modes: massless for 1/ ’ 0 Free dynamics can be encoded in: (Kato and Ogawa, 1982) (Witten, 1985) (Neveu, West et al, 1985) NO NO trace constraints on or L
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept Low-tension limit Similar simplifications hold for the BRST charge: With zero-modes manifest:
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept Symmetric triplets (A. Bengtsson, 1986) (Henneaux,Teitelboim, 1987) (Pashnev, Tsulaia, 1998) (Francia, AS, 2002) (AS, Tdulaia, 2003) Emerge from The triplets are:
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept (A)dS symmetric triplets Directly, deforming flat-space triplets, or via BRST (no Aragone-Deser problem) Directly: Directly: insist on relation between C and others BRST: BRST: gauge non-linear constraint algebra Basic commutator:
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept Compensator Equations In the triplet: compensator spin-(s-3) compensator: The second becomes: The first becomes: Combining them: Finally (also Bianchi):
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept (A)dS Compensator Eqs Flat-space compensator equations can be extended to (A)dS: (no Aragone-Deser problem) Gauge invariant under First can be turned into second via (A)dS Bianchi
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept Off-Shell Compensator Equations Lagrangian form of compensator: BRST techniques Formulation due to Pashnev and Tsulaia (1997) Formulation due to Pashnev and Tsulaia (1997) Formulation involves a large number of fields (O(s)) Interesting BRST subtleties For spin 3 the fields are: (AS and Tsulaia, 2003) Gauge fixing
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept Off-Shell Compensator Equations “Minimal” Lagrangians can be built directly for all spins Only two extra fields, (spin-(s-3)) and (spin-(s-4)) Only two extra fields, (spin-(s-3)) and (spin-(s-4)) (Francia and AS, 2005) Equation for compensator equation Equation for current conservation Equation for current conservation Lagrange multiplier :
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept The Vasiliev equations (Vasiliev, ;Sezgin,Sundell, ) Integrablecurvature constraints Integrable curvature constraints on one-forms and zero-forms Cartan integrable systems Key new addition of Vasiliev: Key new addition of Vasiliev: twisted-adjoint representation (D’Auria,Fre’, 1983) Minimal case (only symmetric tensors of even rank)Sp(2,R) Minimal case (only symmetric tensors of even rank), Sp(2,R) zero-form : zero-form : Weyl curvatures one-form A : one-form A : gauge fields
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept The Vasiliev equations Curvature constraints: [extra non comm. Coords] Gauge symmetry: Gauge symmetry:
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept The Vasiliev equations “Off-shell”: Riemann-like curvatures Ricci-like = 0 “On-shell”: (Riemann-like = Weyl-like l) Ricci-like = 0 What is the role of Sp(2,R) in this transition? (AS,Sezgin,Sundell, 2005) Sp(2,R) generators: Key on-shell constraint: NOT constrained gauge fields NOT constrained Strong constraint:proper scalar masses Strong constraint: proper scalar masses emerge regulate projector At the interaction level must regulate projector Gauge fields: extended (unconstrained) gauge symmetry Gauge fields: extended (unconstrained) gauge symmetry Alternatively: weak constraint, no extra symmetry (Vasiliev) (Dubois-Violette, Henneaux, 1999) (Bekaert, Boulanger, 2003)
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept The spin-3 compensator (AS,Sezgin,Sundell, 2005) In the 0 limit the linearized Vasiliev equations become: Can be solved recursively for the W’s in terms of : Since C is traceless, the k=2 equation implies: Explicitly: This implies: Last term (compensator): “exact” in sense of Dubois-Violette and Henneaux
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept The Vasiliev equations Non-linear corrections: Non-linear corrections: from dependence on internal Z- coordinates Does the projection that “leaves” the compensators produce singular interactions? Vasiliev: Vasiliev: works with traceless conditions all over and feels it does My feeling: My feeling: eventually not, and we are seeing a glimpse of the off-shell form More work will tell us….
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept The End
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept Fermions Notice: Example: spin 3/2 (Rarita-Schwinger) (Francia and AS, 2002)
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept Fermions One can again iterate: The relation to bosons generalizes to: The Bianchi identity generalizes to:
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept Fermionic Triplets (Francia and AS, 2003) Counterparts of bosonic triplets GSO: GSO: not in 10D susy strings Yes: Yes: mixed sym generalizations type-0 models Directly in type-0 models all Propagate s+1/2 and all lower ½-integer spins
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept Fermionic Compensators Recall: Spin-(s-2) compensator: Gauge transformations: First compensator equation second via Bianchi (recently, also off shell Buchbinder,Krykhtin,Pashnev, 2004)
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept Fermionic Compensators could We could extend the fermionic compensator eqs to (A)dS could not We could not extend the fermionic triplets BRST: BRST: operator extension does not define a closed algebra First compensator equation second via (A)dS Bianchi identity: (AS and Tsulaia, 2003)
QG05 - Cala Gonone, Sept Compensator Equations (s=3) Gauge transformations: Field equations: Gauge fixing: Other extra fields: zero by field equations