EMMER INTERNATIONAAL ARWG tools and consolidation of methodologies Igino Emmer
EMMER INTERNATIONAAL Contents “Modules” in methodologies ARWG tools consolidation
EMMER INTERNATIONAAL Subjects/“Modules” in Methodologies Miscellaneous –Relevance of carbon pools and emissions/removals * –Stratification –Identification of "degraded or degrading" land –Project boundaries ++ Project emissions/removals –Emissions due to clearing and burning of existing vegetation * –Emissions from fossil fuel use in projects * –Emission of N2O due to N fertilisation * –Change in DOM due to the project *) Tool exists ++) Guidance provided
EMMER INTERNATIONAAL Subjects/“Modules” in Methodologies – cont. Baseline assessment –Assessing additionality * –Identifying the baseline scenario * –Removals by trees and shrubs in the baseline Leakage –Leakage due to the displacement of pre-project activities * –Use of non-renewable wood (e.g. fencing) Monitoring –Numbers of sample plots * *) Tool exists ++) Guidance provided
EMMER INTERNATIONAAL ARWG tools - philosophy Whenever relevant, first provide criteria for not considering an emission Then provide guidance on how to quantify, including a possible simplified approach (default values) and an advanced approach Partly taken from approved methodologies, partly out of the box
EMMER INTERNATIONAAL ARWG tools (10) Tool for the Demonstration and Assessment of Additionality in A/R CDM Project Activities ("Additionality tool") Combined tool to identify the baseline scenario and demonstrate additionality in A/R CDM project activities ("Combined tool") Procedures to demonstrate the eligibility of lands for afforestation and reforestation CDM project activities Tool for testing significance of GHG emissions in A/R CDM project activities ("Significance tool")
EMMER INTERNATIONAAL ARWG tools (10) – cont. Estimation of emissions from clearing, burning and decay of existing vegetation due to implementation of a CDM A/R project activity ("Oxidation tool") Estimation of GHG emissions related to fossil fuel combustion in A/R CDM project activities Estimation of GHG emissions related to displacement of grazing activities in A/R CDM project activity ("Leakage tool") Procedure to determine when accounting of the soil organic carbon pool may be conservatively neglected in CDM A/R project activities Estimation of direct nitrous oxide emission from nitrogen fertilization Calculation of the number of sample plots for measurements within A/R CDM project activities
EMMER INTERNATIONAAL Discussion Which additional tools are needed Tools = modules? What should consolidation achieve?