- Work Environment Details Jun -15
Purpose This document provides overall description of various infrastructure support an Project in our Organization can get. The document helps the projects to understand and plan their work environments accordingly. Any change required to the standard working environment to be communicated to the facilities and admin team.
Facilities Details - Infrastructure The meeting rooms are provided with Chairs and adequate white board facility. Seating workspace includes, chairs, desks, UPS and Direct power sockets and cupbords. Air conditioner with Min 22.5 C and with Max 25.5 C maintained in working condition in relevant meeting rooms. All the workspaces are provided with adequate illumination of white light. Fire extinguishers are stored at the entrances and in important places of the work environment. Floor diagram is available in all the places to help emergency exits. The buildings are provided with clean sanitary faculties and maintained at every hour. Please refer facilities plan (check with Facilities admin) for further details.
Facilities Details – Technical Infrastructure All Project team members are provided with Desktops as standard Computing machines. Project leaders and above will be provided (on need basis) Laptops / mobile devices for use. Projector on Need basis will be provided on advanced intimation. The list of existing assets are mentioned in the Asset Register and based on availability the assets with relevant configuration will be allocated to the teams. Standard Wired Network connectivity will be given to Projects and wireless facility is available on need basis. Projects needing VPN connection has to inform IT administrator. All standards software are maintained with licenses and by default Windows Operating System and Microsoft Office will be given to Projects.
Links and contacts Asset Register : Facilities and IT related Support, please connect with :