FP7/SPACE: Activity Strengthening of Space foundations / Research to support space science and exploration - SPA The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/ ) under grant agreement n LANDING GEAR DEPARTMENT Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali, Italy CFS Engineering, Switzerland NCSR Demokritos, Greece ASTRIUM-ST SAS, Coordinator, France CNRS/EM2C, France Institute of Aviation, Poland KYBERTEC, Czech Rep. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales, France Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium Main characteristics of a ballistic Earth re-entry. Effective max. total heat flux is about 11.6MW/m 2, max. velocity 12.3km/sec (47.5Mach), total heat energy about 250MJ/m 2. Challenges: The main challenges faced by a ballistic, Sample-Return Vehicle are: 1.Ensure the entry phase of the ballistic trajectory and sustain the thermal and aerodynamical loads encountered during the entry until impact. 2. Protect the payload from heat and mechanical loads throughout the re-entry until impact on the ground 3. Comply with the planetary requirements, typically ensure sample container integrity until impact and guarantee sealing conditions at any time of the mission and under any circumstances. Concept: Ballistic, passive return of a soil sample from another planetary body in a Sample- Return Capsule, entering and aero-braking through the Earth’s atmosphere at high velocity. FP7/SPACE/ /9/2011 – 30/10/2011 Total Budget: 2.3M€ Objective: “To increase Europe’s knowledge in high speed re-entry vehicle technology to allow for planetary exploration missions in the coming decades” The specific Objectives are: 1.To better understand phenomena during high speed re-entry enabling more precise Capsule sizing and reduced margins. 2.To identify the ground facility needs for simulation 3.To master heat shield manufacturing techniques and demonstrate heat shield capabilities 4.To master damping at ground impact and flight mechanics and thus ensure a safe return of the samples The PARTNERS: CONCEPT OF A SAMPLE-RETURN VEHICLE FOR BALLISTIC EARTH RE-ENTRY IF Carrier Filling Foam FS Structure FS TPS Lid TPS Front Energy absorbing material Rear Energy absorbing material Lid structure Internal insulation Internal structure Sample Canister AFT TPS WP1 Review of System Requirements 1.1 Atmosphere modelling 1.2 Trajectories 1.3 Aerodynamics & ATD 1.4 Vehicle Design WP3 Key Technologies for High Speed Entry 3.1: Choice of TPS + Joints 3.2: Flow tests 3.3: Breadboard manufacturing 3.4: Crushable Structure WP4 Ablation- Flight Mechanics Coupling assessment 4.1 Tools coupling 4.2 Ablation coupling assessment 4.3 Engineering modelling Correction by CFD WP5 Gas-Surface Interactions Modelling 5.1: Review of surface roughness and blowing influence 5.2: Ground Experiment Preparation 5.3: CFD Modelling 5.4: Synthesis of WP WP2 Ground Facilities Improvement 2.1: Analysis of Current Ground Facilities 2.2: Shock tube technology 2.3: Ballistic Range Technology 2.4: Plasma Generator Technology WP6 Management, Dissemination and Exploitation 6.1 Management 6.2 Dissemination & Exploitation 2.5: Synthesis The Work Plan Radiation-Shapes-Thermal Protection Investigations for High Speed Earth Re-entry