Anja van der Salm, director Jan Ties Malda, account manager Viktoria Dorka, scientific researcher
LABORATORYRESEARCH CENTRE Soil analyses Plant analyses Water analyses Fertilizing advice Fertiliz(er)(ing) research Crop monitoring Precision agriculture
De Drieslag JZ DRONTEN Location
Founded in 1992 as independent research center by the agricultural university Dronten and agricultural advice organizations Knowledge development by research as supporting system for educational goals Needs for new fertilization advices by different crops Legislation in The Netherlands about N and P 2 O 5 makes it necessary to evaluate the existing advices very critical Farmers need accurate and actual supporting information to make good agricultural practice More and more information is geo-based research and specific products History and position of ALTIC
What can ALTIC offer you?
By government agreed teaching organization Regularly placement students at ALTIC ALTIC organizes trainings at colleges and universities (PTC+/CAH/WUR) Courses for agricultural specialists, advisors and farmers Writing educational materials about fertilization and precision agriculture ALTIC connected with education
The law of Liebig minimum Mg P K Ca Fe Mn N B Zn Why fertilizing?
Soil solution Many functions, for example: Component of chlorophyll Strength of cells Stimulating root development Functions of nutrients Plant root Nutriënts on soil (clay and organic matter)
Soil sampling and analysis Sampling Sample must be representative for: Part of the field (not too big) Area where the crop will grow Sample is representative: With a big amount of sample points Good homogeneity of the field
Soil sampling and analysis
Soil (laboratory/soil scan) Plant (laboratory/sensor technology) Sensing and laboratory
Reflection by vegetation Bron:
Accurate satellite image WDVI: Correction for bare soil
Aircraft imaging 3/vliegtuig-sensing
Determination field variation GPS Determination position Trustful measurement about vegetation with near/remote sensing GIS For translation sensor data to management maps Machines for variable dosage Input ALTIC-advice
Uitvoering New product: soil scan
Different maps
Different types of maps Lutum (clay content in the soil) Sand fraction Organic matter content Hydrological properties (water retention) Height map with 2 cm accuracy
Management maps Management map for variable dosage: compost fertilization soil herbicides plant/ seed distances water dosage
Sharing knowledge, increases knowledge Looking for possibilities for working together Translate our experience into educational materials The specific content belongs to the Hungarian situation and the regional possibilities Simple tools for precision agriculture Supported by practical advises about fertilization, crop production and optimalisation Goals of ALTIC in Leonardo