Peer-reviewed, publishable hypertexts Peter J. Nürnberg & David L. Hicks Aalborg University Esbjerg
Aug 2001OHS 7 - Aarhus, DK2 overview this apple is pretty good, but it's nothing like an orange if your friend jumped off a cliff, would you do it, too? think globally, act locally I'm not just the owner of the company – I'm a client ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country
Aug 2001OHS 7 - Aarhus, DK3 by hypertexts, we mean... structure as the product we don't mean: –links from within a document –supplementing content with links and/or other structures –automating footnotes and/or references comparing these two forms of structures is comparing apples to oranges –both nice, but they're different!
Aug 2001OHS 7 - Aarhus, DK4 what's the real problem? technological? –well, not really… –existing tech may not completely solve all problems, but remaining problems don't appear very difficult social/political? –clearly, this is where the real resistance must lie
Aug 2001OHS 7 - Aarhus, DK5 why publish for no credit? what does an electronic publication "count" for on a CV? even if my colleagues publish electronically, why should I? even if my institution does accept electronic publications, will they know what to do with a hypertext?
Aug 2001OHS 7 - Aarhus, DK6 how do we change things? start slowly and at home –don't stop publishing content-only pubs –do start by publishing 1 structure/content pub per year –get onto P&T committees at home and ask questions about electronic or "alternative" publication forms –make sure there is some written, printable form of your work in any event
Aug 2001OHS 7 - Aarhus, DK7 where to publish hypertexts? why not right here? –Metainformatics Symposium –tech reports at your home institution
Aug 2001OHS 7 - Aarhus, DK8 where are the tools? why don't we jointly commit to building them? we always wanted more domains, domain experts, and users! –let's use ourselves!