Or What do we use to study the marine world? Tools of the Trade Or What do we use to study the marine world?
Physical Properties Secchi Disk measures turbidity/visibility turbidity - cloudiness due to the amount of suspended matter in the water (soil, sediments, sewage, and plankton) Clear - low turbidity Cloudy - high turbidity
Biological Properties Dip Net retrieves a variety of samples from the water
Physical Properties Hydrometer measures density & temperature, used to find salinity HYDROMETER
Physical Properties Niskin / Nansen Bottle obtains water samples at a variety of depths NISKIN BOTTLE
Biological Properties Sediment Screen used to screen sediments for macro invertebrates
Physical Properties Shipek/Peterson Grab take a sample of the ocean bottoms
Physical Properties CTD measures conductivity, temperature & depth
GPS Provide radio-navigation system giving every place on Earth an address
Biological Properties Plankton Net net towed or dipped to gather plankton samples
Research Vessels ALVIN Research submersible Can carry passengers Reach depths of 14,764 ft. Maneuverable arms, 3 portholes ALVIN
Physical Properties Thermometer measures & records temperature at a particular depth
Research Vessels Trieste – first bathyscaphe to descend 35,600 ft to the bottom of the Mariana Trench