+ Meeting of Assistant Professors June 29, 2015
+ Faculty and Academic Affairs Leadership Steven Abramson, M.D., Vice Dean for Education, Faculty and Academic Affairs Joan Cangiarella, M.D., Associate Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs Georgeann McGuinness, M.D., Associate Dean for Mentoring and Professional Development
+ Agenda Review of Faculty Tracks Criteria for Promotion on the Non Tenure Track (CI/E and R/E) Criteria for Promotion and Tenure on the Tenure Track (IC/E and I/E) Third and Sixth Year Reviews Mentoring
+ Primary Themes: Tenure Tracks Investigator / Educator Track, a full-time tenure track for those faculty members in any department whose primary career is in independent, investigator-initiated research and who devote some time to education and service. Investigator Clinician / Educator Track, a full- time tenure track for those faculty in the clinical departments whose primary career combines independent research with clinical activities and who devote some time to education and service.
+ Primary Themes: Non Tenure Tracks Clinician Investigator / Educator Track, a full- time non-tenure track for those faculty members in clinical departments whose primary career is in the provision of clinical care and who devote a substantial portion of their efforts to teaching, research, and service. Research / Educator Track, a full-time non- tenure track for those faculty members in any department whose primary career is in research, but who devote a portion of their efforts to education and service.
+ Summary of Promotion and Tenure
+ 9/07-8/14 Awarding of tenure 75% success rate Basic science department : 90% Clinical department: 64%
+ 9/08-8/14 Promotion 94% aP to AP on tenure track (without tenure) 90% AP(tenured) to P 92% aP to AP on non-tenure track 94% AP to P on non-tenure track
+ NYU School of Medicine Faculty TEN - ELGTENNELTOTAL CLINICAL582284,4964,782 BASIC SCIENCE TOTAL ,8605, full time faculty on the non tenure track: 881 CI/E 132 R/E 1 Library 129 instructors 119 faculty on the tenure track: 74 I/E 36 IC/E 9 Library
+ Revision to the Policies and Procedures for Appointment, Promotion and Tenure at the School of Medicine (Revised February 1, 2013) Revisions in 2013 – new non-tenure track pathway for library faculty ( Promotion guide on faculty affairs website
+ Criteria for Promotion (Non Tenure Track) Excellence in academic translational research (50/50) Excellence in Teaching (Educators) Excellence in Teaching (Educators) Excellence in Clinical Care (Clinicians) Excellence in Clinical Care (Clinicians) Excellence in Service Contributing investigator in scientific or educational research that aids in grant funding for the institution with publication of major peer-reviewed papers Invitations to lecture at national and international meetings Grants reviewer or membership on editorial boards Supervision of research trainees Teaching portfolio Exceptional mentorship and training of students Teaching awards Leadership in medical student or resident programs Development of innovative curriculum Election to distinguished medical societies Leadership in professional societies Invitations to lecture at national and international meetings Development of new clinical treatments or concepts Contributions to education administration Distinguished service as program, course or clinical service director Service on hospital or school committees
+ Criteria for Promotion and Tenure (Tenure Track) National and International recognition Sustained and substantial funding from national peer- reviewed funding agencies (NIH, NSF, government and private sector) Teaching Service Invitations to lecture at national and international meetings Membership on editorial boards of prominent journals Membership on research peer review and scientific and professional advisory committees Receipt of honors for scientific and scholarly achievements Development of a upward trajectory with renewal of NIH funding Publication of major peer- reviewed papers – first and last author Extraordinary distinction as educators Attraction of productive graduate students and postdoctoral fellows Artman II requirements Hospital and school committees Innovators Breakthrough in technology or education Innovators Breakthrough in technology or education
+ Third- and Sixth-Year Reviews Reviews are conducted for all full-time tenure eligible faculty The Dean’s office notifies the Chair when a review is due The review is conducted by the Chair and the Departmental Appointments and Promotions Committee If tenure is considered unlikely, the Chair meets with the faculty member to discuss his/her options The Chair notifies the Dean and faculty member of the outcome of the meeting in writing
+ Formal review by Chair/DAPC on progress towards tenure Formal review by Chair/DAPC. If likelihood of tenure is poor, discussion with faculty re: change of track
+ Sustained NIH funding as the PI, including but not limited to renewals of grants Federal grants (non-NIH) and non federal grants Federal grants (non-NIH) and non federal grants Peer reviewed publications (especially 1st or last- author publications) Peer reviewed publications (especially 1st or last- author publications) Innovative technologies Innovative technologies Non-peer reviewed publications Non-peer reviewed publications Book chapters Book chapters Abstracts Abstracts Presentations Presentations Tenure Decisions
+ TENURE STATISTICS T9 – T5 (FIRST FIVE YEARS OF PROBATION) The data show that for the period T9 to T5, there are no statistically significant differences between those candidates awarded tenure and those candidates denied tenure for any of the metrics studied. T5 – T0 (FIVE YEARS LEADING UP TO TENURE REVIEW) The data also show that for the period T5 to T, there are statistically significant differences between those candidates awarded tenure and those candidates denied tenure for all of the metrics studied.
+ Performance Standards for Research Faculty In 2009, the School of Medicine accepted the recommendations of the AEC and implemented the Policy on Performance Expectations for Research Faculty, which defined expectations for research faculty productivity (>25% effort in research), adopting metrics utilized at peer institutions. The process for evaluating research faculty involves multiple steps and engagement of the faculty, Chairs, and the Dean’s Office Faculty Affairs Survey Page 14
+ Performance Standards for Research Faculty (AEC) Basic and clinical science departments Minimum of 60% of research salary supported on extramural funds Policy on Performance Expectations for Research Faculty: cyonPerformanceExpectationsforResearchFaculty_FINAL. pdf cyonPerformanceExpectationsforResearchFaculty_FINAL. pdf
+ Teaching Expectations (“Artman II”) In order to be considered for credit “in excess of Artman II”, a faculty member must first fulfill his/her expected teaching obligations through the following: Minimum of 50 contact hours (200 effort hours) annually, if requested. Of the 50 contact hours, At least 10 hours must be in formal courses in undergraduate medical education (UME) At least 10 hours must be in formal courses in the graduate school (Sackler Institute) Policy on Expectations Regarding Teaching: culty/Policy_on_Expectations_Regarding_Teaching_r evised_6.13.pdfhttp://webdoc.nyumc.org/nyumc_d6/files/fa culty/Policy_on_Expectations_Regarding_Teaching_r evised_6.13.pdf