Background Context Parents’ support throughout the process Area Planning Proposal (BLT) March 2012(Assimilation with BA) Consultation 5 July -26 October CHGS were invited to give a presentation to Ballymena Borough Council Parent Meeting NEELB re-drafted proposal- CHGS to become Bi- Lateral, reducing to 935 Consultation – March- 17 May 2013
Background Context 2 CHGS provide a response to the new NEELB proposals (March 2013) – Presentation to NEELB t o outline our proposal and explain the rationale – Presentation to parents by NEELB and CHGS Invitation to present proposal to the NEELB Education Committee June 2013 NEELB Consultation Report for Ballymena Area (Post Primary)
Follow up to Formal Consultation NEELB invited Controlled Schools (Post Primary) Principals /Chair of each Board of Governors to meet with a view of addressing some of the issues emerging from the Formal Consultation. Following progress at the first meeting the NEELB arranged a second meeting before making their recommendations in October 2013
Revised Area Plan Proposal ‘Cambridge House Grammar School will continue as a Controlled Grammar School with a phased reduction in the enrolment number to 800 and an amended admission number of 120.’
Complexities of Area Planning: Points to note: The current published proposals are only in relation to the Controlled Sector (NEELB are our employers) Voluntary and Integrated sectors have put forward their own proposals to the NEELB Development Proposals out for public consultation include Ballee Community School – proposing closure (consultation period ended) Dunclug College – proposing to increase Dunclug College enrolment from and then progressively to 935 by Cullybackey College is to remain with an enrolment of 700.
Considerations Cambridge House Proposal included the retention of 100% academic selection- current proposal provides this. This was a corner stone of our proposal Cambridge House Proposal included a Sixth Form Hub – new proposal makes no mention of this. The enrolment of 800 would not preclude CH from developing a Sixth Form to meet the demands of its own pupils The proposed and requested increase in enrolment within some other sectors could have a detrimental effect on CH
Cambridge House Developments Out of Formal Intervention following ETI October 2012 report Second successful ETI report in October 2013 Increase in GCSE and GCE exam results: GCSE –Percentage achieving 5 A* - C = 95.5% (up 3.5% ) –Percentage achieving 5 A* - C incl E/M= 88% (up 25% ) –Percentage achieving 7 A* - C = 92.4% (up 14.4% ) –Percentage achieving 7 A* - C incl E/M = 87% (up 25%) GCE –Percentage achieving 3 or more A* - C = 67.8% (up 12% ). This was at 40% at the time of Formal Intervention..
Our Message We have shown our determination, within the planning process, to protect the opportunities for young people in the Ballymena Area to access a Grammar School Education and the Ethos which drives this. As a school we have taken control and driven our own success over the last two years, in order to return to our rightful place within the educational order of Ballymena. We are rightly proud of our school work ethic and the close relationships we have with the local community. We could not have succeeded without the passionate belief and active support of our parents, staff and pupils in what we have offered in the past and what we have resurrected through the dedication of those who are and have been Cambridge House. We leave the decisions with you – please respond to the consultation as you feel is in the best interests of this school.
Questions and Answers We cannot promise you the answers to all your questions but we promise we will be honest in what we do say. Please make sure you get the consultation documents before you leave. For parents unable to be with us tonight- all documentation needed is available on the website.