California State University, Fresno – Office of Research and Sponsored Programs NIH BIOSKETCH Nancy Myers Sims, Grants & Contracts Development Specialist
California State University, Fresno – Office of Research and Sponsored Programs NIH BIOSKETCH A Biosketch is a faculty member’s curriculum vitae presented in a specified format
California State University, Fresno – Office of Research and Sponsored Programs NIH BIOSKETCH Required for All Senior Personnel Key Personnel Other Significant Contributors All people who play a substantive role in the project
California State University, Fresno – Office of Research and Sponsored Programs About BIOSKETCHES Biosketches highlight key personnel and other significant contributors’ relevant experience and/or qualifications Biosketches demonstrate that the PI and staff have enough experience to execute the research plan Biosketches are required for these people even if they show no specific effort on the project and aren’t being paid from the grant. Biosketches are specific to a proposed project
California State University, Fresno – Office of Research and Sponsored Programs MAJOR SECTIONS of BIOSKETCH Header Personal Statement*** Positions and Honors Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications Research Support
California State University, Fresno – Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Specifications for Biosketch Not to exceed four (4) pages Header Info – Name, Position (at university, not on grant), eRA Commons username, Education (beginning with Bacc). Personal Statement – Very important. Will review separately. Positions and Honors – List in chronological order, concluding with present position Selected Peer-reviewed Pubs – key word “selected.” No more than 15. Research support – ongoing and completed research projects for past 3 years
California State University, Fresno – Office of Research and Sponsored Programs The Header contains personal and educational information Biosketch Header
California State University, Fresno – Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Information on the NIH Biosketch header should be consistent with information in eRA Commons Biosketch Header
California State University, Fresno – Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Personal Statement Tell a story of how your own background intersects with the project at hand Don’t list publications and achievements again in a narrative format List your strengths that aren’t apparent from pubs and educational sections
California State University, Fresno – Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Personal Statement Write in 1 st or 3 rd person (I/The PI) Begin by stating the goal of project State experience and qualifications that make you well-suited for your role in this specific project
California State University, Fresno – Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Personal Statement What makes for a BAD Personal Statement? Failure to adequately link your expertise to the proposed project Incorrectly explaining the project and its aims Listing info included elsewhere in biosketch without providing elaboration or supporting info Egotistical reference to yourself Omitting your important contributions to the field Letting someone else write your Personal Statement and submitting it without your review Failure to be consistent with 1 st and 3 rd person
California State University, Fresno – Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Personal Statement While the personal statement may not make a huge difference in your grant’s fundability, it could make a difference if you’re close to the funding line and need just that extra bit to push you over into the black (that means funded) range
California State University, Fresno – Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Common Problems in Biosketches Including Current & Pending support instead of current (on-going) and completed support Incomplete or incorrect data Including % of effort on projects Adding budget amounts to projects