TODAY’S AGENDA Review: the object Review: the CSS Box Model Review: box model, and layout Intro: HTML5 structural objects Activity: turn your structural sketches into functional HTML documents
EXAMPLE OBJECT This is My Cool Website Home About Me Resume
THE CSS BOX MODEL All objects are part of the box model (not just ) margin: space outside the border, between objects border: perimeter, boundaries padding: space inside border, between content height, width: space between padding control single sides of a box or all sides at once
REVIEW: CREATING CSS LAYOUTS Discuss the players o HTML structural objects o The CSS Box Model How do they work together to enable layout? Advantages of this method over older methods of creating layouts?
REMINDER: HTML5 Evolutionary, not revolutionary Almost all HTML4 objects supported Usable now; browser support varies Adds native support for audio, video, drawing Simplifies a lot of HTML4 markup Adds new forms of semantic markup
NEW STRUCTURAL MARKUP IN HTML5 Header Section Article Aside Footer
COMPARE: TO HTML5 OBJECTS This is My Cool Website This is My Cool Website Advantages? Semantic? Discuss.
HTML5 SEMANTIC MARKUP Structural Markup in HTML4 Structural Markup in HTML5
SKETCH YOUR WIREFRAME WITH DIVS I brought paper Figure out your widths, padding, margins, etc. Try and get your wireframes to look like the following:
ACTIVITY: PORTFOLIO BEGINS TONIGHT Use your sketches to make structural markup o Use HTML5 semantic objects as much as possible o Write clean markup use ID attribute to name objects when needed indentations comments Populate structure with real content Run markup through validator
IMPORTANT!!!! Be certain to save your work This is the beginning of your actual portfolio We'll build on this next week
FOR NEXT TIME Complete landing page structural markup Overview of HTML5 About CSS Floats CSS Floats and the Box Model CSS Float Tutorial Recommended: experiment with float and the box model, try to figure out how it works