Road beyond Standard Model At the energy frontier through synergy of hadron - hadron colliders (LHC, (V)HE-LHC?) lepton - hadron colliders (LHeC ??) lepton - lepton colliders (LC (ILC or CLIC) ?) Next decades LHC results vital to guide the way at the energy frontier Rolf Heuer at Aix Les Bains Similar approach as for the FERMI Scale: Tevatron & SppS; HERA; LEP Provided excellent insight into the Standard Model at the FERMI Scale! [Top quark, Quark-Gluon dynamics and Proton structure functions, precision measurements of the Vector bosons of the Weak Interaction]
LHeC options: RR and LR RR LHeC: new ring in LHC tunnel, with bypasses around existing experiments RR LHeC e-/e+ injector 10 GeV, 10 min. filling time LR LHeC: Straight or Recirculating Linac; RCL with Energy Recovery Operation ABP Information Meeting, 22 nd May Oliver Brüning, CERN 100 MW Grid Power Limitation Luminosity - Energy & Tradeoff We chose 60GeV Beam Energy as reference case for comparison in the CDR LR construction mostly decoupled from LHC operation (except detector and IR) LR design as baseline for studies past CDR
APB Information Meeting, 22 nd May 2014 Oliver Brüning, CERN3 Design Challenges: 3 Ring-Ring: Maximum beam energy & L are limited by SR radiation power ca. 100 MW for a luminosity of L = cm -2 s 60 GeV Linac-Ring: Maximum beam energy & L are limited by beam power > 1000 MW for a luminosity of L = cm -2 s 60 GeV!!!! Recirculating Linac with Energy Recovery operation!!! Multiple use the SC RF structures (a la JLab) Decelerate the beam after collisions in the same structures to recover the beam energy the SC RF acts as a storage unit for the beam power. The beam is dumped only at low energies and the beam power can be transferred to the next beam passing through the linac!
APB Information Meeting, 22 nd May 2014 Oliver Brüning, CERN4 Two 1 km long SC linacs in CW operation (Q > ) requires Cryogenic system comparable to LHC system! LHeC: Baseline Linac-Ring Option Super Conducting Linac with Energy Recovery & high current (> 6mA) Relatively large return arcs ca. 9 km underground tunnel installation total of 19 km bending arcs same magnet design as for RR option: > 4500 magnets cm -2 s -1 Luminosity reachPROTONSELECTRONS Beam Energy [GeV] Luminosity [10 33 cm -2 s -1 ]11 Normalized emittance x,y [ m] Beta Funtion x,y [m] rms Beam size x,y [ m] 77 rms Beam divergence ’ x,y [ rad ] 7058 Beam Current [mA]430 (860)6.6 Bunch Spacing [ns]25 (50) Bunch Population1.7*10 11 (1*10 9 ) 2*10 9 Bunch charge [nC]27 (0.16) cm -2 s -1 Luminosity reachPROTONSELECTRONS Beam Energy [GeV] Luminosity [10 33 cm -2 s -1 ]16 Normalized emittance x,y [ m] Beta Funtion x,y [m] rms Beam size x,y [ m] 44 rms Beam divergence ’ x,y [ rad ] 8040 Beam Current [mA] Bunch Spacing [ns]25 Bunch Population2.2* *10 9 Bunch charge [nC]350.64
APB Information Meeting, 22 nd May 2014 Oliver Brüning, CERN5 LINAC – Ring: connection to the LHC cell cavities for 2 linacs -69 Cryo Modules per linac with 8 cavities per CM MHz, 19 MV/m CW MW RF power -29 MW Cryo for 37W/m heat load Dipoles Quadrupoles in 2 * 3 arcs: -580 (4m long) dipoles per arc -8 (1m long) dipoles in spreader and combiner -12 dipoles per arc for path length adjustment -240 ( 0.9 and 1.2m long) quadrupoles per arc -16 (1m long) quadrupoles per spreader-combiner IP2
APB Information Meeting, 22 nd May 2014 Oliver Brüning, CERN6 LHeC in the Context of FCC: FCC John 2014 FCC Kick-off meeting Various applications: LHeC could operate parallel to HL-LHC PDFs; preparation for FCC-hh ERL could potentially provide collisions with FCC-hh ERL could operate as injector for FCC-ee
APB Information Meeting, 22 nd May 2014 Oliver Brüning, CERN7 Finite p Radius Quarks Quark Gluon Dynamics Higgs BSM Stanford SLAC FNAL CERN HERA LHeC FCC-he LHeC: e-p (ion) Collider at the TeV scale using the LHC infrastructure Finest microscope with resolution varying like √1/Q 2 ( 4-momentum transfer ) Unique machine for Higgs studies: PDFs at high energy: precision physics at HL-LHC and preparation for FCC-hh PDFs
APB Information Meeting, 22 nd May 2014 Oliver Brüning, CERN8 Study Status: 8 R&D work: Following the 2012 LHeC workshop at Chavannes CERN management gave mandate for developments in 5 areas: SC RF; CDR for ERL TF; SC magnets, IR in HL-LHC, exp beam pipe Coordination Group and International Advisory Committee: In 2013 the DG appointed an LHeC CG and IAC under the chairmanship of H. Schopper (ex CERN DG); 1 st meeting at the 2014 LHeC workshop, SC RF development: CERN started in 2014 a collaboration with Uni Mainz for the construction of 800MHz SC RF cryomodules [construction by 2016 (MESA)] FCC: e-p option has been listed as an integral part of the new FCC CERN at the FCC Kick-off meeting in February 2014
APB Information Meeting, 22 nd May 2014 Oliver Brüning, CERN9 Reserve Transparencies:
APB Information Meeting, 22 nd May 2014 Oliver Brüning, CERN CERN Mandate: 5 main points S.Bertolucci at Chavannes workshop 6/12 based on CERN directorate’s decision to include LHeC in the MTP The mandate for the technology development includes studies and prototyping of the following key technical components: Superconducting RF system for CW operation in an Energy Recovery Linac (high Q 0 for efficient energy recovery) S Superconducting magnet development of the insertion regions of the LHeC with three beams. The studies require the design and construction of short magnet models Studies related to the experimental beam pipes with large beam acceptance in a high synchrotron radiation environment The design and specification of an ERL test facility for the LHeC. The finalization of the ERL design for the LHeC including a finalization of the optics design, beam dynamics studies and identificationof potential performance limitations The above technological developments require close collaboration between the relevant technical groups at CERN and external collaborators. Given the rather tight personnel resource conditions at CERN the above studies should exploit where possible synergies with existing CERN studies.
APB Information Meeting, 22 nd May 2014 Oliver Brüning, CERN11 Study Structure as of 2014: Coordination Group for DIS at CERN: The group has the task to coordinate the study of the scientific potential and possible technical realisation of an ep/eA collider and the associated detectors at CERN, with the LHC and the FCC, over the next four years. It should also coordinate the design of an ERL test facility at CERN as part of the preparations for a larger energy electron accelerator employing ERL techniques. The group will cooperate with CERN and an International Advisory Committee LCG ( ) *) Nestor Armesto Oliver Brüning Stefano Forte Andrea Gaddi Bruce Mellado Paul Newman Max Klein Peter Kostka Daniel Schulte Frank Zimmermann Directors (ex-officio) Sergio Bertolucci, Frederick Bordry *) LCG Composition early March 2014 The coordination group was invited end of December 2013 by the CERN directorate with the following mandate ( )
APB Information Meeting, 22 nd May 2014 Oliver Brüning, CERN12 International Advisory Committee: Mandate Advice to the LHeC Coordination Group and the CERN directorate by following the development of options of an ep/eA collider at the LHC and at FCC, especially with: Provision of scientific and technical direction for the physics potential of the ep/eA collider, both at LHC and at FCC, as a function of the machine parameters and of a realistic detector design, as well as for the design and possible approval of an ERL test facility at CERN. Assistance in building the international case for the accelerator and detector developments as well as guidance to the resource, infrastructure and science policy aspects of the ep/eA collider. The IAC was invited in December 2013 by the CERN DG *) *) IAC Composition End of February Oliver Brüning Max Klein ex officio Guido Altarelli (Rome) Sergio Bertolucci (CERN) Frederick Bordry (CERN) Stan Brodsky (SLAC) Hesheng Chen (IHEP Beijing) Andrew Hutton (Jefferson Lab) Young-Kee Kim (Chicago) Victor A Matveev (JINR Dubna) Shin-Ichi Kurokawa (Tsukuba) Leandro Nisati (Rome) Leonid Rivkin (Lausanne) Herwig Schopper (CERN) – Chair Jurgen Schukraft (CERN) Achille Stocchi (LAL Orsay) John Womersely (STFC)
South shaft area North shaft area Saint Genis-Pouilly Prévessin site Meyrin site John Osborne; 2014
APB Information Meeting, 22 nd May 2014 Oliver Brüning, CERN14 LHeC CDR 1. Design for synchronous ep and pp operation (including eA) after LS3 which is about 2025 – no firm schedule exists for HL-LHC, but it may operate until ~ LHeC is a new collider: the cleanest microscope of the world, a complementary Higgs facility, a unique QCD machine with a striking discovery potential, with possible applications as γγ H or injector to TLEPP or others AND an exciting new accelerator project 3. CERN Mandate to develop key technologies for the LHeC for project decision after start of LHC Run II and in time for start parallel to HL LHC phase
APB Information Meeting, 22 nd May 2014 Oliver Brüning, CERN15 Design Considerations LHC hadron beams: E p =7 TeV; CM collision energy: E 2 CM = 4 E e * E p,A 50 to 150GeV Integrated e ± p : O(100) fb -1 ≈ 100 * L(HERA) synchronous ep and pp operation Luminosity O (10 33 ) cm -2 s -1 with 100 MW power consumption Beam Power < 70 MW Start of LHeC operation together with HL-LHC in 2023 (installation in LS3 in 2022) e Ring in the LHC tunnel (Ring-Ring - RR) Superconducting ERL (Linac-Ring -LR) 15 Luminosity - Energy & Power tradeoff We chose 60GeV Beam Energy as reference case for comparison in the CDR
APB Information Meeting, 22 nd May 2014 Oliver Brüning, CERN16 HEP: The Fermi Scale [ ] b quark top quark M W, H? gluon h.o. strong c,b distributions high parton densities M Z, sin 2 3 neutrinos h.o. el.weak (t,H?) ep e+e-e+e- pp The Standard Model Triumph Tevatron LEP/SLC HERA
APB Information Meeting, 22 nd May 2014 Oliver Brüning, CERN17 LHeC Tentative Time Schedule LHeC Project is still on track for startup with HL-LHC: -10 years for the LHeC from CDR to project start. (Other smaller projects like ESS and PSI XFEL plan for 8 to 9 years [TDR to project start] and the EU XFEL plans for 5 years from construction to operation start) HERA required ca.10 years from proposal to completion On schedule for launching SC RF development Synergies with HL-LHC and TLEP LS3 --- HL LHC
APB Information Meeting, 22 nd May 2014 Oliver Brüning, CERN18 LINAC – Ring: connection to the LHC cell cavities for 2 linacs -69 Cryo Modules per linac with 8 cavities per CM MHz, 19 MV/m CW MW RF power -29 MW Cryo for 37W/m heat load Dipoles Quadrupoles in 2 * 3 arcs: -580 (4m long) dipoles per arc -8 (1m long) dipoles in spreader and combiner -12 dipoles per arc for path length adjustment -240 ( 0.9 and 1.2m long) quadrupoles per arc -16 (1m long) quadrupoles per spreader-combiner IP2 Linac (racetrack) inside the LHC for access at CERN Territory U=U(LHC)/3=9km
APB Information Meeting, 22 nd May 2014 Oliver Brüning, CERN19 Small x: where does DGLAP break down? High-Energy: small x Increasing Parton density; asymptotic freedom but non-linear perturbative QCD and Saturation DGLAP = linear in ln(Q 2 ); BFKL = linear (including ln(1/x)!) Introduction: EIC as a QCD Explorer
APB Information Meeting, 22 nd May 2014 Oliver Brüning, CERN20 Introduction: Key Questions for EIC Projects Energy Frontier: -PDFs for HL-LHC and future p colliders -Higgs production via Vector Boson fusion!!! -Search for Physics beyond the SM (e.g. lepto- quarks)? Proton Spin? requires polarized beams! HERA: Gluon proliferation Gluon Saturation? How do Gluons saturate? Color Glass Condensate? Where does it set in? EIC application
APB Information Meeting, 22 nd May 2014 Oliver Brüning, CERN21 Introduction: EIC facilities as a microscope: Finest microscope with resolution varying like √1/Q 2 Parton momentum fixed by electron kinematics: Max Klein Finite p Radius Quarks Quark Gluon Dynamics Higgs BSM Stanford SLAC FNAL CERN HERA LHeC FCC-he e+e-e+e- hh eh X