Reading Street Unit 4 Week 3
What is changing in our world? What treasures can we create? How can we share special days? How can a surprise be a treasure? What treasures can we share with neighbors? What treasures can we share at home? What treasures can we find in the earth?
Day 1 Morning Warm Up! Great treasures can be everywhere. They can be different colors and shapes. Turn over a rock. Dig in the ground. What treasures can we find in the earth?
exvcavate fossil soil abandon splinter sunken decompose nourish
Oral Vocabulary: Share Literature Did You Ever See a Dinosaur? Did you ever see a dinosaur? No, I didn’t think so. But we can see their fossils. They formed long ago. So isn’t it great? That we can excavate? Old bones are in the soil. Dig way down below.
f lodod r od od todod foam load road toad omom Phonemic Awareness (Blend and Segment Onset/Rime) rom romomroam
l m o r o botot ot low mow row boat float fl o Phonemic Awareness (Blend and Segment Onset/Rime)
g r s o l o f o sh grow soap low float show More Words You Can Blend Long o: oa, ow Teach/Model (Click to make the sounds appear, then click again for words.) g otgoat o p t mow loaf coal growth toast know groan pillow o l
oat Change the “k” in oak to “t”. What is the new word? Build Words boat float flow flown Change the “b” to “fl”. What is the new word? Change the “at” to “w”. What is the new word? Add “n” to the word. What is the new word? Add “b” to the beginning of oat. What is the new word? Blend the following words. What is the same about these words? grown blown shown flown
Check Word Reading Long o: oa, ow own moan crow soak yellow stove coax robe blown those storm coach flow horn short
boat blow float own goat(s) soap row show Joan Joan’s slow moan tow Word Wall Words Apply Phonics: Practice Find “oa” and “ow” words in the story, “Joan’s Boat”. Sort the words below. oa ow blow own goat(s) float boat soap row colors do how many oh one said saw where you show Joan Joan’s slow moan tow
Build Background -Develop Concepts Let’s Talk About Growing and Changing Tell me about what you see here. What do you think they will find? What do you think the men will do with the treasures they excavate? Tell me about the tools the men are using. Use soil in your answer. Why do you think it is easier to find fossils in the country than in the city?
Build Background -Develop Concepts Let’s Talk About Changes in Nature We predict Mr. Bones will find dinosaur bones in the earth. He might find animal teeth, too. What treasures can we find in the earth? What treasures might Mr. Bones find in the earth? What other treasures might Mr. Bones look for?
Daily Fix-It 1. The sno covered the road? 2. she will help row the bote.
Daily Fix-It 1. The sno covered the road? The snow covered the road. 2. she will help row the bote. She will help row the boat.
Shared Writing: Write Greeting Card
Grammar: Teach/Model Verbs That Add -s Practice: Name something that is enormous. Use adjective “enormous” and the noun it describes in a sentence. Name something that is teeny. Use the adjective “teeny” and the noun it describes in a sentence.
Long o: oa, ow boat Did the author write about fossils to teach us something or to entertain us? What treasures did the author tell us about that can be found in the earth? What letters make the long “o” sound in boat? snow What letters make the long “o” sound in snow? blow coat Today we learned about fossils. What other treasures do you think you might find in the earth?
Day 2 Morning Warm Up! Today we will read about treasures found on the beach. The ocean brings in small shells, tiny sharks’ teeth, and giant piles of rope. What treasure would you like to find on the beach?
excavate fossil soil abandon splinter sunken decompose nourish
sq s t thr sc st squirm strike throw scratch Phonemic Awareness: Segment Phonemes (Click to make the sounds appear, then click again for words.) pasplash r a ssh er l strap spray m ik o rch rap spra
sc sh r sr st thr scream shrink spray strip Three-Letter Blends : Model/Teach (Click to make the sounds appear, then click again for words.) cecream i i m r r three splash m nk a rp e spla e p sh Blend these words: shrimp scrape spring stretch throat shrug
split Build Words splint sprint spring string Change the “l” to “r”. What is the new word? Change the “t” to “g”. What is the new word? Change the “p” to “t”. What is the new word? Change the “t” to “nt”. What is the new word?
Check Word Reading Three-letter Blends scrap strong throw stream shrub trick squirt spin sprain screen plant string trust thrill strict
Spelling: Practice Long o: oa, ow (Click to Check Dictation) You can’t see the wild white cat in the snow. Once we went on a big boat. Please clean your yellow coat with soap. We will plant a row of corn by the road.
Does this story happen during the day or after dark? How do you know? Why might it be unsafe to try to trip wild animals like raccoons? Do you think Neil was brave or foolish? Do you think this story could happen in real life? Word Wall Words afraid again said saw was Can you find some three-letter consonant words in this story? scram scream splash stream string stripes strong
Words to Read once wild found took mouth “Once the wild T.Rex roamed the West. But not anymore. T. Rex bones have been found in many places. Workers took the bones and put them together. Look at that mouth! Those teeth are sharp. Read the Words
Song: Did You Ever See a Dinosaur? The first word is “I”. How do I write that word? What sound do you hear at the beginning of the word “think”? What letters stand for that sound? Interactive Writing Write Elaboration I think dinosaurs were big and had pointy teeth. I think they had scaly skin, too. I think they were brown or gray.
Daily Fix-It 3.The rode had lots of snow on it? 4. she wore a yello coat.
Daily Fix-It 3.The rode had lots of snow on it? The road had lots of snow on it. 4. she wore a yello coat. She wore a yellow coat.
Grammar Develop the Concept: Adjectives for Sizes This is an elephant. It is huge. Huge is an adjective describing the size of an elephant, so it comes before the word elephant. Adjectives tell about the size of things. What adjective would describe a Tyrannosaurus Rex? huge elephant Go to next slide.
Using Size Words for Animals tiny kitten tall giraffe Long Lizard Humongous hippo
Speaking and Listening Summarize Information I am going to read two articles about dogs and cats. Each article has a different point of view about dogs and cats. Both these articles state facts about dogs and cats. Go to next slide.
Top Five Reasons Cats Are Better Pets Than Dogs 1. No barking! Cats use their voices only when they think it is necessary: want inside, want food, want petting. 2. They set their own schedule. They pretty much eat, sleep, and play when they feel like it. 3. Don’t Need to Be Walked. They walk wherever they want to any time they want to…just try to stop them! 4. They don’t mess up the house. Okay, they scratch. Get them a scratching post and keep their nails done. At least they don’t tear up your trash or your favorite books and scatter them all over the house. 5. Cleanliness! We clean our own ears, coats, paws, and other parts. We even clean each other. No smelly dog odors and no need for bathing and scrubbing.
Top Five Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Pets Than Cats" 1. Dogs will tilt their heads and try to understand every word you say. Cats will ignore you and take a nap. 2. A dog knows when you're sad. And he'll try to comfort you. Cats don't care how you feel, as long as you remember where the can opener is. 3. Dogs will bring you your slippers. Cats will drop a dead mouse in your slippers. 4. Dogs will come when you call them. And they'll be happy. Cats will come when they feel like it. 5. Dogs will play fetch with you all day long. Cats would rather play with a ball of yarn.
After reading each of these articles, I have some of my own opinions about cats and dogs. I am glad that cats are so clean and take care of themselves. I like it because dogs are so friendly and loyal. I don’t like it that cats only do what they want most of the time. I am not pleased at all about the way dogs tear things up and make messes. How do these articles make you feel about cats and dogs? Tell me some of your opinions. Which do you think would make a better pet? Which Will it Be? Dog or Cat
Look for the high-frequency words in these sentences: I once found a fossil. I took it to the museum. They told me it was a piece of bone from the mouth of a wild animal. square – “squ” stands for which sounds? squirt squint squeak squeal Let’s Talk About It Recall the song: “Did You Ever See a Dinosaur?” What treasures did this song tell about? s k w
Day 3 Morning Warm Up! Today we will read about Barnum Brown. He likes to dig for big bones. What kind of big bones might Barnum Brown find when he digs?
excavate fossil soil abandon splinter sunken decompose nourish
road You can read this word because you know that “oa” can stand for the Long o sound. What’s the word? scrap You know how to read this word because you know how to blend consonant words together. What is this word? When you come to a new word look at all the letters in the word. Think about how to blend all the sounds together. Say the sounds in the word to yourself and then read the word. Watch me say these words: soap elbow scrub splash throat street Let’s read these words together. spring crow Long o: oa, ow and three Letter Blends Teach/Model
Word Reading: Phonics Songs and Rhymes Chart 21 Frame each of the following words on the Phonics Songs and Rhymes Chart whoa strong loads scrape splendid scratch roamed thrill
three throw boast burst splotch slow roast street thrill throat throw boast slow roast throat grown spray grown Phonemic Awareness (Long o: oa, ow) Find the word in each pair with the long “o” sound.
Build Background What are these people, paleontologists, digging for? Why do paleontologists want to dig up old bones? What do you think is the best thing about being a paleontologist?
Build Background
Vocabluary: Selection Words
Word Reading Check High-Frequency Words found once wild took mouth other work now were nothing
Vocabulary: Synonyms Synonyms for Huge and Gigantic big large fatgiant grand great
Daily Fix-It 5. Mom made a lofe of bread 6.We cleaned the toy bote?
Daily Fix-It 5. Mom made a lofe of bread Mom made a loaf of bread. 6.We cleaned the toy bote? We cleaned the toy boat.
Writing Trait of the Week: Introduce Focus Ideas Main Idea: Barnum Brown looked for and found dinosaur bones. Brown finds dinosaur bones. The bones go to New York. Workers put the bones together. Here are some more sentences. All but one tells about the same idea. Which one does not focus on the idea? PRACTICE Which sentence tells about the illustration on page 83? Brown holds a pick. Brown holds a dinosaur bone. Brown finds a tiny bone. Now write three sentences that tell what T.Rex looked like. Your sentences should focus on one idea: what T.Rex looked like.
Grammar: Apply to Writing – Adjectives for sizes Barnum Brown found dinosaur bones. Those dinosaur bones could be described by using adjectives that tell about their size. For example: big bones. Name some other adjectives to add to the list. bones big large huge giant enormous short long tiny gigantic
A caterpillar becomes a chrysalis. Who is the author of Mister Bones ? Jane Kurtz Why do you think the author may have wanted to tell the story of Barnum Brown? What other reason might the author have had for telling this story?
Day 4 Museums are great places to visit. Today we will read about what kinds of things you can see when you visit a museum. What things have you seen at a museum?
excavate fossil soil abandon splinter sunken decompose nourish
High Frequency Words found mouth once took wild seal You can read this word because you know that the letters ea often stand for the long /e/ sound. What sound does this ea stand for? What is the word? You can read this word because you know how to blend base words and endings when there’s a spelling change. What is the base word? What is the spelling change? Blend the base word and the ending. What is the word? screamed streaming leaves spied easier creamiest squealed sneakier teaches tries meanest cleaning dried
Word Reading Read Decodable and High-Frequency Words draw Buddy these right good-bye know tried seal great colors over show easy drew leaves Jean sign Teddy beach prettier
Read Words in Context Did Buddy know it wasn’t easy for Jean to say good-bye? Come right over to see a great show on the beach. The colors of these leaves are prettier than those. Teddy tried to draw a seal on the sign, but he just drew lines.
Science in Reading What kinds of things can you find in a museum? What kinds of things will you see and do in the museums on this page? What other words might you use to describe museums besides the word great?
Writing Across the Curriculum Write: Math Story Long ago there lived 2 Tyrannosaurus Rex and 1 Brontosaurus. How many dinosaurs were there in all? 2 Tyrannosausus Rex + 1 Brontosaurus = ____ dinosaurs += What is the first sound in the word dinosaur? What letter stands for that sound? What is the second sound you hear in the word dinosaur? What letter stands for that sound?
Review:Adjectives for Size DEFINE ADJECTIVES FOR SIZE What example of an adjective might be used to describe size? Does an adjective usually come before or after the noun it is describing? elephant big box large huge small Tell me some adjectives to describe the color, shape, or size of each these words: giantsquare greybrown
Daily Fix-It 7. Please help me row the bote? 8. Nicks pillow was bigger.
Daily Fix-It 7. Please help me row the bote? Please help me row the boat. 8. Nicks pillow was biger. Nick’s pillow was bigger.
How did Barnum Brown find the dinosaur bones? The Tyrannosaurus Rex is huge. What does a question mark mean? What does an exclamation mark mean? Think about the museums we read about this week. Share some things that can be seen at those museums or at other museums that you have visited.
Day 5 This week we read about fossils, earthworms, and other treasures found in the soil. Which of these treasures was a surprise to you? Morning Warm-Up!
excavate fossil soil abandon splinter sunken decompose nourish
Word Work Long o: oa, ow and Three-letter Blends The coach will show us where to hit the ball. Our street has a row of spruce trees. In the spring, we can float our yellow boat. Use string and scraps of paper to make art.
High-Frequency Words Read the rhymes. Complete each rhyme with a word wall word. And then _______ we arrived.. We all ______ the train. The Dinosaur Museum once took mouth We ______ no dinosaurs Had ever survived. found The dinosaur bones Didn’t scare this child. But my _______ would have dropped When they all roamed _______! wild
Mister Bones: Dinosaur Hunter tells why T. Rex was special. Think about another dinosaur or another animal you know well. Now write reasons why that dinosaur or animal is special. Writing and Grammar: Reasons Focus is on why the animal is special. T. Rex was a large, scary dinosaur. It had a huge head and a big mouth. Sharp teeth and strong jaws made it dangerous. This special dino had long legs and feet with claws. large huge big long Some adjectives describe size. Words such as big, small, long, and short describe size. Look at the reasons T. Rex is scary. Find four adjectives for size. Student Model:
Daily Fix-It 9. The road was slik 10. Once i saw a whild turkey.
Daily Fix-It 9. The road was slik The road was slick. 10. Once i saw a whild turkey. Once I saw a wild turkey.
Research/Study Skills: Teach/Model Bar Graph I can use this kind of graph to figure out which dinosaur our class likes the most. This graph helps me to compare information so I will know what kind of dinosaurs we might want to read more about. On this graph, which dinosaur was most popular? dog cat fish Our Favorite Pets
Let’s Talk About Surprising Treasures What treasures can we find in the earth? Let’s predict what Mr. Bones will find. What might people find if they excavate the soil for a new home? Why do you think fossils are important treasures found in the earth? Why might finding fossils be a reason for a special celebration? We predict Mr. Bones will find dinosaur bones in the earth. He might find animal teeth, too.