Object Oriented Programming Lecture 5: Refactoring by Inheritance and Delegation - A simple Design Pattern for animation applets, A Generic Function Plotter
Setting the environment variables for JDK in UNIX set the CLASSPATH environment variable in your ”.cshrc.private” file If the CLASSPATH is not set: setenv CLASSPATH ~/test/myclasses If the CLASSPATH already is set: setenv CLASSPATH ~/test/myclasses::~/classdir/test2::etc
The Applets Design Pattern Java applets embedded in web pages Applets are downloaded from a web server and executed on the client in a web browser or appletviewer Applets must extend the Applet class Can be found in java.applet package
Embedding the applets in HTML The simplest form of applet HTML tags: <applet code = byte-code filename width in pixels height in pixels> Will make the browser execute the applet in the webpage context
Interaction between the context and applet An applet interacts with the context according to a contractual interface Init() – initialize the applet when it is initially loaded Start() – activates the applet and is invoked when entering the webpage Stop() – deactivates the applet Destroy() - destroys the applet when the webpage is discarded
Simple animation applet The applet displays the current time HH:MM:SS In order draw on the screen we must overload the paint() method Requires a Thread to control the Animation Problem: We can’t extend both Applet and Thread...?
The Runnable Interface The Solution: Java provides the Runnable Interface Implemented by a class that should run in a Thread By implemententing Runnable A class can pass itself as argument to the Thread() constructor We need to define the run() method that is invoked when starting the Thread
The start() method public void start(){ if(clockThread != null){ clockThread = new Thread(this); clockThread.start(); } Public void stop() clockThread = null; Calls run()! Kill the Thread!
Controlling the Animation - the run() method public void run(){ while(Thread.currentThread() == clockThread){ repaint(); try{ Thread.currentThread().sleep(1000); }catch(InterruptedException e){}; } Calls paint() to draw the time on the screen Sleep 1 second before redrawing!
Drawing the time on screen - the paint() method Public void paint(graphics g){... g.setFont(font); g.setColor(color); g.drawString(hour + ”:” + minute + ”:” + second); }
Idiom: Animation Applet An Idiom: ”How we can program a generic template that can be reused for a recurring problem” It should be possible to customize and adapt Applets can produce some graphical output that changes without interaction from the user (animation) Using the Animation Applet Idiom: extend AnimationApplet and redefine the paint method
Double buffering If painting directly on the screen, the screen will ”flicker” Double buffering can be used to solve this problem Double buffering 1 ”draw invisibly” in a background buffer 2 Then update the screen with the buffer
Double buffering When calling repaint() it will automatically call the update() update() will clear the screen using the background color and call the paint method paint(Graphics g); Solution: To avoid the the ”flicker” - override the update method Instead of clearing - let update(); paint the buffered image
A Generic Double buffered Animation Applet What do we need to do? We need to create a background image. We need to override the update() method. We need a method to do the drawing in the background image. We can extend and reuse the simple Applet to define a generic Animation Applet
DoubleBuffered Animation Applet – Refactoring the applet Public class abstract DBAnimationApplet extends AnimationApplet{... Graphics backGraphics; Image backImage; Dimension dim; Boolean doubleBuffered;... }
The init() method Public final void init(){ dim = getSize(); backImage = new Image(dim.width, dim.height); backGraphics = backImage.getGraphics(); initAnimator(); } Protected void initAnimator(){}
The update() method... Public final void update(Graphics g){ if(doubleBuffered){ paintFrame(backGraphics); g.drawImage(backImage,0,0,this); }else super.update(); } Public void paint(Graphics g){ paintFrame(g); }
The constructors Protected DBAnimationApplet(boolean db){ this.doubleBuffered = db; } Protected DBAnimationApplet(){ this.doubleBuffered = true; }
How do we use the DoubleBuffered Animation Applet? 1. Extend the DBAnimationApplet 2. Use the appropriate constructor to choose doublebuffer/not doublebuffer 3. Define the abstract paintFrame() method ...and that is it
Design by Abstraction Designing generic components Reusable Extensible Using: Abstract classes Interfaces Design patterns (and idioms) Without having to modify the code!
Example An applet for plotting functions. Should be easy to adapt for different functions A generic applet that captures the common code
A generic plotter
The class Plotter Factoring by inheritance: public class Plotter extends Japplet public init : read parameters form html-file size parameters scaling parameters public paint : draw the coordinate axis draw the function graph in the interval given by the parameters!
The class Plotter What function? A function can be implemented by a method: public double func(double x){???} better: protected abstract double func(double x); which also forces the class to be abstract! It has to be extended for instances to be allowed! public abstract class Plotter extends Japplet
Plotting a function public class CosPlotter extends Plotter{ protected double func(double x){ return Math.cos(x); } Or public class SinPlotter extends Plotter{ protected double func(double x){ return Math.sin(x); }
Looking inside Plotter public abstract class Plotter extends Japplet{ private int w,h,xorigin,yorigin,xratio,yratio; private Color color = Color.black; protected abstract double func(double x); public void init(){ w = Integer.parseInt(getParameter(“width”)); h = Integer.parseInt(getParameter(“height”)); xorigin =... yorigin =... xratio =... yratio =... }
Looking inside Plotter public void paint(Graphics g){ drawCoordinates(g); plotFunction(g); } private void plotFunction(Graphics g){ for(int px = 0; px < dim.width; px ++){ try{ double x =(double)(px - xorigin)/(double)xratio; double y =func(x); int py = yorigin - (int)(y * yratio); g.fillOval(px-1,py-1,3,3); }catch(Exception e){} }
Factoring by inheritance Design pattern: TEMPLATE In the abstract class a template method calls ( plotFunction ) a hook method (func) that is left abstract!
Factoring by delegation
The class MultiPlotter public class MultiPlotter extends Japplet public init as before: read parameters. public paint as before: draw coordinates and the function in the interval given by the params. What function? A function can be implemented by an object that can do apply(double)! private Function f;
The interface Function We need a type Function for objects that can do double apply(double x) Now, we want this method to behave sometimes as cos, sin, or other function. We leave the implementation thus unspecified and just define public interface Function{ public double apply(double x); }
MultiPlotter We can now plot a number of functions in the same applet (By having an array with Function s and an array with Color s) We have to offer a method to add functions We have to decide when/how to add the functions.
MultiPlotter Let the class that adapts (extends) MultiPlotter define init() where Parameters are read Functions are added (using the method for doing so) A bad thing: what happens if the programmer forgets to read the parameters? Let init be a template method and use a hook to allow the new class to add functions!
MultiPlotter public abstract class MultiPlotter extends Japplet private int w, h, xorigin, yorigin, xratio, yratio; private Function [] functions; private Color [] colors; public final void init(){ /* read parameters; */ functions = new Function[max]; colors = new Color[max]; initMultiPlotter(); } protected abstract void initMultiPlotter();
MultiPlotter.plotFunctions private void plotFunctions(Graphics g){ for(int i = 0; i < numOfFunctions; i++){ g.setColor(colors[i]); for(int px = 0; px < dim.width; px ++){ try{ double x = (double)(px... double y = functions[i].apply(x); int py = yorigin -... g.fillOval(px-1,py-1,3,3); } catch (Exception e){} }
Plotting sin and cos public class SinCos extends MultiPlotter{ protected void initMultiPlotter(){ addFunction(new Sin(),Color.red); addFunction(new Cos(),Color.blue); } public class Cos implements Function{ public double apply(double x){ return Math.cos(x); }
Plotting Sin and Cos
Design Guidelines Maximize adaptability (extensibility) The more extensible a component is, the better chances it will be reused Minimize risk for missuse! (make init a final method and force the definition of initMultiPlotter instead of allowing for redefinition of init!)
Factoring by delegation Design pattern: STRATEGY In the context (the general class, MultiPlotter ) one or more instances of strategy objects ( Function[] functions ) some concrete strategies (classes implementing the strategy: Cos, Sin)