Allow students to demonstrate their learning and understanding in a variety of ways. a.Creating, constructing, and communicating meaning through a variety of media. –Drawings, sounds, pictures, movements, illustrations, charts, graphs, posters, murals, photographs, dioramas, puppets, sculptures, models, dramas, videos, sounds, and electronic text/graphics.
Developing students' representing skills and strategies
Provide opportunities for students to represent daily 1. Opportunities to respond, record, and report at different times during the learning process using different media is key. 2. Can represent ideas, information, and events in oral, print, and other media texts and forms. 3. Can create original texts using a range of forms.
Must be taught.
Guidance and explicit instruction to develop effective representing skills and strategies. 1.Discuss and model the before, during (problem solving), and after phases. 2.Writing differs from Representing: 1.Written: Narrative representations rely on depicting setting and character. Expository uses text formatting like cause and effect, chronology, etc. 2.Representing: Requires clear charts, diagrams, tables, models, etc. 3.Can integrate oral, print, and other media 4.Can integrate oral text with movement, sounds, and color, and can rely on models (e.g., props, scenery). Requires students to use their imaginations to depict key ideas and events.
Possible Strategies Talk, Act, Draw, Write Sketch to Stretch Illustrator Strategies Wordless Picture Books Story Maps Story Quilts Storyboards Cartoons Rebus Flowcharts. Graphic Organizers Charting, Graphing, Mapping, and Labeling Photographs and Slides Posters Murals and Collages Recomposing Text Dramas, Puppet Plays, Tableaux, and Role Plays Displays Mobiles Models. Audiovisual Aids Videos Commercials Multimedia
Self-Questions for Planning Representing Instruction
What will students learn and be able to do as a result of this activity and to what degree? What do students already know and do as representers? What mini-lessons (direct instruction) might be needed for students to succeed? What is the task? What is the purpose? What activities will help the students generate ideas for their representations? What activities will help students to focus on the task and formulate a plan?
What consideration should students give to their purpose, audience, and form? What media will work best? What strategies can students use to prepare their representations? What special effects, techniques and materials (e.g., computers, cameras, color, light, camera techniques, movement, music, sound effects, voice, etc.) will be used?) How will students consider feedback and assess themselves? How will students be evaluated?