Instructional and Information Technology Budget Request
Basic Categories Hardware Software Supplies
Hardware goals- The four year replacement cycle for workstations has stretched out to six years. The first cycle of the four year replacement plan ended at June, With reduced funding, we were able to of the computers to be replaced during that school year. This current school year, , would have been the start of the new replacement cycle, if we were following the four year replacement goal. The target computers to be replaced would be the computer lab computers in all 6 elementary schools, plus two computer lab in the Junior High. The funding required to do that would be $487,000. With the reduced funding for this year, we are targeting the two Junior High Labs. If computer lab workstations were to be replaced, the existing workstations could have been repurposed across classrooms, to bring our student to computer ratio closer to the NYSED recommended levels. However, we are continuing to use the lab computers, and will need to use them again in the school year. Thus, there is limited money for classroom replacements. We have focused on replacing aging teacher laptops and workstations first, and supplementing library needs. Continue 25% replacement cycle for administrative computers. This replacement cycle is also critical to ensure that our support staff are able to stay current with MS Office versions. Right now, we are 5 years behind in the release cycle for this software suite. We have purchased the licenses this year to do many more upgrades, but some clerical computers are too old to run the software and must be replaced.
How will we build classroom capacity? In , we have reached almost every classroom with document cameras and projectors. We have reached about 25% of classrooms a the elementary level with Smartboards. Some schools have more as a result of special projects or requests over the last six years. Teachers recommend that we bring a Smartboard to every classroom. At the current rate of 40,000 per year we will need 12 more years to reach this goal. Increase the availability of hand-held devices for students- we have not been able to meet this goal for students. We have deployed over 100 ipads to faculty and staff.
Program Priorities Continued upgrades to libraries Shaker HS conversion of office space to student lab space. Request is for laptops for student use Junior HS upgrades and replacement to aging PC workstations in library Addition of student-use devices to strengthen research and critical thinking skills- a priority from the online technology assessment results and the library curriculum Support for the pre-engineering program at the Junior HS Replacement of aging workstations in CTE area to support pre- engineering curriculum
Program Priorities Strengthened support for the Shaker HS writing center Replacement of student laptops, based on replacement cycle and need for improved reliability Replacement of workstations at HS Business classrooms, and upgrades to MS Office software Elementary School Art Classrooms Upgrades and additional interactive tools, such as smartboards Additional student use workstations/laptops Consistency of specialty software, and needs for updates to existing computers in classrooms
Network hardware Continue maintenance and replacement cycle Complete wireless access device purchases and deployment in remaining schools Continue virtualization planning and implementation for servers Complete next maintenance cycle for servers, based on resizing servers and virtualization planning
Software- Administrative What must be renewed each year? Infinite Campus renewal Infinite Campus data analysis renewal- Tableau IEP Direct renewal Centris Sync renewal Symantec Anti-Virus renewals Windows and OSX operating system software for new purchases MS Office for new purchases MS Exchange licenses for new accounts Apple Remote Desktop maintenance Network switch OS maintenance and upgrades MS Windows server upgrade software Infinite Campus data server software- OS and client access Curriculum Mapping accounts Emergency Messaging System renewal Professional Development Tracking system renewal PB Wiki Renewal Helpdesk software renewal Library Automation software renewal
BOCES software Finance Manager Library subscription database PDP Premier Data warehouse support
Instructional Software Tools to support interactive learning Google Docs implementation Web page support- pbwiki, Quia, web development tools Smartboard support tools Project-based support for multi-media tools Elementary school math support o Graphic organizers o Data analysis tools o Literacy support tools o Math tools o Exam gen for each content area o Textbook support tools o Specialized tools for K-3 How will we strengthen student work from home and collaborative work at home and school?
Tools to support content learning We have a stable suite of tools for English Language Arts Inspiration Kidspiration Reading A to Z Kidworks Pages Word Processors and presentation tools Audio and Video recording tools Math- graphing, data analysis, calculator support, applied knowledge support GoMath Inspiredata Excel Ti Smartview Smartboard Math Tool Set ExamGen Applied Statistics IXL Math tools subscription
Tools to support content learning Music- composition software, subscriptions to teacher support tools and scores, recording and editing support tools Sibelius Print Finale Make Music Smart Music Subscriptions Garageband Audacity Art- animation support tools, video editing tools, drawing toolkit customized by grade level, design tool kit Creative Studio Design Suite Photoshop Elements iStopMotion Bambu Drawing Tools and software iMovie Final Cut (limited distribution)
Tools to support content learning Science Gizmos Vernier probeware USB Microscopes ExamGen Foreign Language Skype Audacity Web-based first language materials
Tools to support content learning CTE AutoCad Software to support design and manufacturing Legos design tools- Mindstorm Quickbooks, Quicken, Tax accounting software MS Office suite DressMaker Nutrition software tools and web tools Teacher support tools Starfall for primary grades New video recording studios and technologies Skype Atomic Learning training video support Choice Literacy subscription BrainPop
Supplies- increase in smaller devices? Printers Projectors Document Cameras Netbook computers iPads Monitors Cameras Patch panels Wireless access points Smartboard portable stands Projector Mounts UPS batteries Racks Scanner bubble sheet forms Report card forms Headphones Recording devices Printer supplies and ink Mice, keyboards, DVDs Memory upgrades Wireless access cards