Employee Training The value of training to a business
Training must add value to the business – measurement / KPI’s. It must be relevant & targeted. Training provides a more motivated and responsive workforce. Mindset change i.e. training is an integral part of the working environment. The company that provides training is investing in both its workforce and its future.
The value of training to a business Transparency – in a bidding process, training to recognised standards can help secure contracts. Workforce has increased skills level and awareness of latest developments. On-going relations and dialogue between Education and Business ensures a relevant flow of ideas and increased awareness to benefit both parties. Training enhances flexibility of the workforce, enabling the Business to be more flexible and responsive to changing market conditions.
The value of training to a business A more multi skilled workforce is adaptable to change. Business can use the Education / Training provider as a resource in terms of best practice and on a consultancy basis. If a business adopts a long term partnership strategy with an organisation they are able to develop specific training solutions based on their requirements rather than generic solutions.
The value of training to a business The market place is changing, organisations must be more responsive and adaptable, they must have a perception of quality and internal investment in both staff and product if they are to compete. The marketplace is now a multinational environment at all levels. If a business is to succeed they must match / exceed their competitors both nationally and internationally or they will not survive. Training is not an option for a business, it’s a necessity if they are to remain competitive.
Other considerations Improved efficiency through: Reduced wastage Lean manufacturing Improved use of employee time Increased profits Staff moral – being valued Staff retention
Transferability of skills Company loyalty Credibility with customers and employees Promotion and Image Investing in people
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