Primary National Strategy This template will allow you to write your own interactive story. You need to save this PowerPoint file with your own file name before you start working on it. Write with PowerPoint in edit mode.Use ‘Slide Show’ to read. The hyperlinks will then move the reader to the chosen page. begin instructions
Write the story title here
Character 2’s version Character 1’s version Write the main incidents of the first part of the story here. 1 Q
Character 2’s version Character 1’s version Write the main incidents of the second part of the story here. 2 Q
Character 2’s version Character 1’s version Write the main incidents of the last part of the story here. 3 Q
Write Character 1’s version of the first part of the story here. Q Sw
Write Character 1’s version of the second part of the story here. Q Sw
Write Character 1’s version of the last part of the story here. Q Sw
Write Character 2’s version of the first part of the story here. Q Sw
Write Character 2’s version of the second part of the story here. Q Sw
Write Character 2’s version of the last part of the story here. Q Sw
back to story Sw Q go back go forward switch character1/character2 return to main story quit the program return to this page