Canterbury Tales
Chaucer Born into the rising middle class in the 15 th cent. Born into the rising middle class in the 15 th cent. Was trained for a career in the court of King Edward III Was trained for a career in the court of King Edward III Served in the army, held several governmental positions, and evenrtually married a lady of the court. Served in the army, held several governmental positions, and evenrtually married a lady of the court.
Canterbury Tales One of the 1 st books ever printed. One of the 1 st books ever printed. Chaucer planned 120 tales, 2 told by each pilgrim on the way to the shrine and 2 on the return trip. Chaucer planned 120 tales, 2 told by each pilgrim on the way to the shrine and 2 on the return trip. Before his death, he completed 22 tales and 2 fragments. Before his death, he completed 22 tales and 2 fragments. CT comments on the people and problems of this time period. CT comments on the people and problems of this time period.
Before the Selection Begins… Archbishop Becket was murdered in 1170 by 4 knights of Henry II. Archbishop Becket was murdered in 1170 by 4 knights of Henry II. King Henry and Becket had a longstanding feud. King Henry and Becket had a longstanding feud. Thinking the King wished Becket dead, 4 knights went to Canterbury to commit murder. Thinking the King wished Becket dead, 4 knights went to Canterbury to commit murder. The King was too late to stop them – Becket was later canonized as a Saint. The King was too late to stop them – Becket was later canonized as a Saint.
The Genre Canterbury Tales is an anthology of popular taste in the Middle Ages. Canterbury Tales is an anthology of popular taste in the Middle Ages. These varied groups viewed the purpose of literature to be both entertaining and morally instructive. These varied groups viewed the purpose of literature to be both entertaining and morally instructive. During Chaucer’s time, the more literature stressed the moral and instructive aspects, the more it was regarded as high literature. During Chaucer’s time, the more literature stressed the moral and instructive aspects, the more it was regarded as high literature.
Wife of Bath’s Tale “Trial by Ordeal” “Trial by Ordeal” Set in the time of King Arthur Set in the time of King Arthur Another example of the flawed romantic hero – our knight commits rape, but ultimately proves himself to be worthy. Another example of the flawed romantic hero – our knight commits rape, but ultimately proves himself to be worthy. The story centers around the male-female relationship. The Wife of Bath claims to be an expert in this area. The story centers around the male-female relationship. The Wife of Bath claims to be an expert in this area.
Pardoner’s Tale Exemplum – Teaches “by example” Exemplum – Teaches “by example” Rioters fail to see the prophesy that “death awaits them” under the tree Rioters fail to see the prophesy that “death awaits them” under the tree Allegory – “Death” is a character, possibly the mysterious old man Allegory – “Death” is a character, possibly the mysterious old man Irony of the story – It is a sermon told by a greedy, corrupt church official. Irony of the story – It is a sermon told by a greedy, corrupt church official.
The Nun’s Priest Tale Beast Fable Beast Fable Mock Epic Poem Mock Epic Poem Satirizes epic poetry of the past while teaching a valuable lesson about pride Satirizes epic poetry of the past while teaching a valuable lesson about pride
The Miller’s Tale Farce – A story involving “low humor,” including bodily functions, improbable situations, nudity, etc. Farce – A story involving “low humor,” including bodily functions, improbable situations, nudity, etc. Still teaches a lesson – dangers of pride and immorality Still teaches a lesson – dangers of pride and immorality Stands in opposition to the Knight’s Tale, which exemplifies the code of chivalry Stands in opposition to the Knight’s Tale, which exemplifies the code of chivalry
Ballads Aristocrats in royal courts composed metrical romances. Aristocrats in royal courts composed metrical romances. Chaucer distributed Canterbury Tales through the middle class. Chaucer distributed Canterbury Tales through the middle class. The peasant class kept up the oral tradition of storytelling through ballads set to music. The peasant class kept up the oral tradition of storytelling through ballads set to music.
Characteristics of Ballads Definite rhyme and stanza patterns. Definite rhyme and stanza patterns. Celebrated and lamented national events and everyday aspects of people’s lives. Celebrated and lamented national events and everyday aspects of people’s lives. Folk ballads have several recurring themes: Folk ballads have several recurring themes: Heroism Heroism Historical events Historical events Love / lust Love / lust Death Death Satires of the opposite sex Satires of the opposite sex Supernatural events Supernatural events