IHI Idealized Design of Perinatal Care IHI Innovation Series 2005 A Deliberate design methodology for Perinatal Care
Idealized Design Bundles Experts identified processes that will decrease the risk of birth trauma and other adverse events. Two clinical processes identified for first round – to decrease the incidence of common problems (determined from evaluation of chart review and claims Based on reliable science and provide common language for team members
BUNDLES A group of evidence based interventions related to a care process that when executed together result in better outcomes than when implemented individually. Perinatal strategy based on proven success of the Ventilator Bundle to decrease incidence of VAP
Elective Induction Bundle Assessment of Gestational Age – ensuring gestational age > 39 wks Reassuring Fetal Status – assess via NICHD criteria and document Pelvic Examination – cervical exam, station, presenting part, cervical position and consistency, Bishop’s score, pelvimetry, and fetal presentation Absence of Hyperstimulation (Tachysystole) during the induction process
ACOG Criteria for Gestational Age Determination (>39 wks) FHT documented for 20 wks (nonelectronic fetoscope) or 30 wks Doppler 36 wks since + serum or urine HCG by a reliable lab US measurement of C-R length (at 6- 12wks) support GA of at least 36 wks US obtained at 13 – 20 wks confirms GA of at least 39 wks determined by clinical hx and physical exam
Augmentation Bundle Estimated fetal weight – determine size to determine whether continued attempt at vag delivery appropriate Reassuring fetal status Pelvic Assessment Monitoring and managing tachysystole
Road to Success Leadership – hospital and physician – support and expectations Adoption of ALL elements of the bundles All team members committed to follow bundle criteria Good team work and communication Standardization of management approaches (i.e. tachysystole)