The Americas
Date: Thursday December 5 TSWBAT read and analyze the Ancient America’s, their geography, and the five important peoples Warm-Up: Page 369 Geography Skills questions 1 & 2; review what we are doing today Activity: Guide to Reading page 368: Content and vocabulary, and charts (5 total for each civilization) Current Assignments Past Due Assignments What do I need for class today?
Activity for today Page 368: – Content vocab (5 words) – Reading strategy (create a chart)– SEE pg. 368 Chart includes people, region, types of food, shelter Create a chart for each of the major peoples – 1. Arctic and Northwest: The Inuit – 2. Eastern Woodlands: Hopewell (Mound Builders) – 3. Eastern Woodlands: Iroquois – 4. Peoples of the Great Plains – 5.Peoples of the Southwest: The Anasazi
Date: Friday December 6 TSWBAT read and analyze an image; organize a chart; review and evaluate what they have learned! Warm-Up: Page 370: Infographics- The Iroquois League read and answer 2 questions. Activity: complete charts if not finished; section 1 review 2-7. Charts Section review Current Assignments Past Due Assignments What do I need for class today?
Date: TSWBAT Warm-Up: Activity: Current Assignments Past Due Assignments What do I need for class today?
Date: TSWBAT Warm-Up: Activity: Current Assignments Past Due Assignments What do I need for class today?
Date: TSWBAT Warm-Up: Activity: Current Assignments Past Due Assignments What do I need for class today?