Title of Scholar Project Month day, year Presenter: Supervisor(s): Critical Care Western
The Problem What is the problem you wish to address? Why is the issue or concern important? Have opinion leaders or societies or health organizations expressed interest in the question? (new guidelines? Editorials? Presentations?) Is there new evidence of harm? Is there new evidence of benefits? Has there been recent public attention brought to the issue? To whom is this issue/concern important? (physicians? nurses? patients? hospital admin? the public?) Presentation Title Here
The Literature What have you been able to surmise from the literature? Who else has addressed the issue (or is currently addressing the issue) and what has been done? Is there a systematic review describing the state of the evidence with respect to your specific problem (if not, this may be your first step) Presentation Title Here
The Question or Objective Given the problem posed, what question do you wish to answer? Be specific! Articulate a clear study question or project objective by describing who is involved (participants) what will be done (intervention) what will be achieved (outcome) Department Here
Hypothesis In one sentence, turn your study question into an answer (your hypothesis). Try to use the exact same wording regarding the participants, intervention and expected outcome. Department Here
Category / Methods Given your objective or question, what category of scholarly work best describes your project? Within that category, what methodology best fits your objective? Examples: QI project – PDSA cycle, audit Research project – meta-analysis Qualitative research – grounded theory analysis Department Here
Methods (Detailed Methods: 1-3 slides) Study Design: in one sentence describe the study design you wish to implement (eg. Prospective observational, retrospective chart review, survey, systematic review of the literature, guideline /protocol development, etc.) Study Participants: who are the subjects? Study Site(s): where are the participants? Interventions: 1-2 sentences describing intervention(s) Outcome measure(s): describe your primary outcome and the statistical method that will be used to analyze it Department Here
Progress to date Does a systematic review of the literature or meta- analysis need to be done to clarify whether there is existing evidence to answer your question? Will you be doing a systematic review? Is ethics approval required for your project (yes or no); If yes, have you submitted for ethics approval? Have you received ethics approval? Is approval necessary and have you received it from clinical practice committee, research and education committee, CRIC? Department Here
Data collection to date Show a sample of your data collection form or case report form Show a sample of your spreadsheet / database for entering your data How many subjects/ participants have your enrolled or charts or studies have you reviewed to date? How many are left to enroll/ review? Have you met with a statistician/ methodologist to review your study design and plan for statistical analysis of the data? Department Here
Questions / Concerns: Are there any potential threats to successful completion of this project? Examples: Recruitment of participants Complexity of intervention Lack of sufficient early studies/ background data What specific questions do you have for the group at this time? Critical Care Western
Results Presentation Title Here
Title Here Department Here
Title Here Department Here
Qui vel estrum faccaep udiorit atieatio et, veris consect ionesecest. Presentation Title Here
Title Here Qui vel estrum faccaep udiorit atieatio et, veris consect ionesecest. Presentation Title Here
Month day, year Today’s Agenda Qui vel estrum faccaep udiorit atieatio et, veris consect ionesecest. Presentation Title Here