SSIP Process A Suggested Pathway, Timeline and Gantt Chart WRRC Regional Forum Eugene October 31 and November 1, 2013
A Suggested Pathway Contributing Factor(s) for which state will focus improvement strategies Contributing Factor(s) for which state will focus improvement strategies Data analysis across several indicators of performance (results) for children with disabilities (SPP/APR and other indicators) Data analysis across several indicators of performance (results) for children with disabilities (SPP/APR and other indicators) Root Cause, Drill Down Analysis Root Cause, Drill Down Analysis Evidence-based solutions and Possible Strategies (Best Practices) that fit the focus for improvement Evidence-based solutions and Possible Strategies (Best Practices) that fit the focus for improvement Supports for Implementing Best Practices Supports for Implementing Best Practices Annual Evaluation of Progress, Adjustments Infrastructure Development to Support Improvement (Capacity Building) Infrastructure Development to Support Improvement (Capacity Building) Theory of Action Prioritization Process Identify Area that Needs Improvement (e.g. reading proficiency) Identify Area that Needs Improvement (e.g. reading proficiency) Local Implementation Infrastructure Analysis Systemic barriers and leverage points Systemic barriers and leverage points Evaluation Plan 2
Start SPP/APR and Phase I of SSIP Activities Root Cause Analysis FALL 2013 SPRING 2014 SUMMER 2014 FALL 2014 Conduct infrastructure analysis Identify focus for improvement Draft SSIP Establish baselines and targets for all indicators Determine contributing factors of problems in areas for improvement Identify and analyze key data, from APR and other sources, disaggregate data February 2015 Submit APR Plan: consider the management of the SSIP process including the activities related to the design and implementation of the SSIP Engage stakeholders in determining areas for improvement and focus for improvement Inform stakeholders re. changes to SPP/APR & SSIP* Refine data analysis – addressing issues of data quality Work with LEAs/LAs and other stakeholders to identify and select evidenced based practices Review Theory of Action with stakeholders Data Related Activities SSIP Specific Activities State Processes * Please refer to OSEP Memorandum regarding requirements for stakeholder input. Draft Theory of Action Identify areas for improvement
Phase I ● at-a-glance Phase II ● at-a-glance Phase III ● at-a-glance FALL 2013 SPRING 2014 SUMMER 2014 FALL 2014 Data Analysis Focus for Improvement Infrastructure Analysis Theory of Action FALL 2014 SPRING 2015 SUMMER 2015 FALL 2015 FALL 2015 SPRING 2016 SUMMER 2016 FALL 2016 Evaluation Plan Infrastructure Development Support LEA/LA Implementation February 2016 Submit APR February 2017 Submit APR February 2015 Submit APR Support LEA/LA Implementation Results of Ongoing Evaluation Revise SPP
A Possible Gantt Chart for the FFY2013 SPP/APR and Phase I of SSIP DecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSeptOctNovDecJan SSIP - Infrastructure Analysis SSIP - Broad Data Analysis SSIP - Identify Areas for Improvement SSIP - Data Analysis – Root Cause Analysis SSIP - Identify Focus for Improvement SSIP - Identify Evidenced-Based Practices SSIP - Evaluate and Select Evidence-based Practices SSIP - Draft Theory of Action SSIP - Draft SSIP SSIP - Review SSIP before submission SPPAPR - Collect Indicator Data SPPAPR - Analyze Data SPPAPR - Draft SPP/APR Template (Indicators) SPPAPR - Draft Improvement Plan SPPAPR - Draft SPP/APR with Improvement Plan SPPAPR - Review SPP/APR before submission