Everyone please connect to the internet through wifi: “ZYPU”, with the code: space426
4 Ways to Get Connected to Our Workstation MagPKU Jinxing Li Peking University Acknowledgement: Thanks to Lei Zhang and Yongqiang Hao for their kind assistance in establishing this server.
The Age We Are Computing Networking Big Data and Cloud What can our server do Store data of multiple missions, especially VAP and NOAA. Data processing. Simulation. Share data, software, codes and articles.
Introduction to MagPKU
0 th way: www To see our home page, and get the science software, click: To view Jinxing Li’s homepage, click: The data are not present in the web for the reason of copyright.
1 st way: Mapping Network Disk use the data stored in the server as one of your own disk 右击 “ 我的电脑 ” 映射网络硬盘 文件夹输入: \\mag.space.pku.edu.cn\data \\mag.space.pku.edu.cn\data 沟选 “ 登录时重新连接 ” 与 “ 使用其他凭据连接 ”
用户名: pku ,密码: space419 沟选 “ 记住我的凭据 ” Finally, You can read the network disk as your own
2 nd way: Use Putty as Terminal Input “ mag.space.pku.edu.cn” with Port “22” to login the server. After you have been connected, input your username and password (by default “space419PKU”) to login. Username list: pku (common), xielun, zxz ljx, grl, cyb, llq, xyz, whj, wutong, zhaoduo Do your work on the terminal.
3 rd way: Graphical Interface using VNC 1)Type “vncserver” or : “vncserver –geometry 1500x800” (specify screen resolution. Note the multiply sign should be x but not *) in the putty terminal, and a port number (e.g., “3” in below) will be returned. 2) Open any item of VNC software, type “mag.space.pku.edu.cn: #portnumber (in this case, #portnumber is 3), and login.
3) Input the password of VNC. (by default: space419. This password is not the same as that of the user.) 4) Finally you’ll see a graphical interface of Ubuntu Linux. You can use all the software installed, e.g., matlab.
Remember to kill VNC after logout Whenever you do not use VNC to remote connect to the server, please input: “vncserver – kill: #portnumber” to kill the VNC, so as to save up CPU and memory usage. A convenient to start and kill VNC is to type “vnc” (start VNC with resolution 1500x800) “vnckillall” (kill all VNC you have started)
How to Use IDL? Virtual Machine Windows
4 th way: Use FTP to upload and download 新建一个站点 主机: mag.space.pku.edu.cn; 端口: 22 协议: SFTP 登陆类型:正常 用户名与密码登陆 连接后,可以向自己目录 (例如 /home/ljx/ ),以及开 放的目录,上传或下载
2 simple ways making your own homepage 1 st way: Put any documents, pictures, movies, etc, to your public_html directory. 2 nd way: make a document using Microsoft Word, and save as HTML format with the name index.html, and upload to your public_html directory.