State of Alabama Department of Finance Division of Risk Management Kim Huggins Claims Manager
ALABAMA April 27, 2011
The State Insurance Fund Originated in 1923 to insure state owned properties, K-12 school systems and state university properties 28,000 +/- building/structures surveyed every three years by in house staff At FY10 close, $46 Billion insured values Claims are handled by in house staff and/or independent adjusting firms on contract with SIF.
State of Alabama 2011 Property Program One Reinsurer provides $250M x/o $750M Excess Capacity One Reinsurer provides $250M x/o $500M Excess Capacity Three Reinsurers provide $300M x/o $200M Excess Capacity Nine Reinsurers provide $100M x/o $100M Seven Reinsurers provide $50M x/o $50M Six Reinsurers provide $50M x/o SIR S.I.R.= $3.5M All Other Perils Occurrence/$10M Named Storm Occurrence/ $10 M Annual Aggregate $1 B $750M $500M $200M $100M $50M $3.5M
Statewide Impact of April 27, Tornados - 3 EF EF EF Deaths $3 Billion In Insured Losses 120,000 Claims
Historic Tornado Outbreak April 27, 2011
IMPACT OF APRIL 27, 2011 ON SIF $110M Reserved 588 Claims 215 Locations 8 Exceeding $5M 6 K-12 Schools 1 Community College 1 State Park 10 Exceeding $1M
Hackleburg Elementary/High School
Phil Campbell High School
Alberta Elementary School
SIF Comparison of Catastrophe Losses CategoryIvanCat 46 Date of Loss9/16/20044/27/2011 Counties Impacted5333 Agencies Impacted10260 Locations Impacted Number of Claims Amount of Loss$30 Million$110 Million Location Claims $5M +18 Location Claims $1M +310
Summary Analysis Ivan was a Category 3 Hurricane Impacted a large portion of Alabama Major damage to only a few locations Cat 46 was a series of EF 3, 4 & 5 Tornadoes Impacted a large portion of Alabama Major damage to a large number of locations
Coordination Coordination with Excess Carriers Assignment of the lead adjuster Third Party Experts Engineers Estimators Accountants Salvagers Broker’s Role.
Communication Communication with SIF Policy Holders Role of Risk Management Immediate and Clear Instruction Availability of Advance Funds.
Independent Adjusters Role of Independent Adjusters Our Representative Works with Excess Adjusters and Experts Directs and Manages Claim
Delays By Excess Experts to Provide Building Estimates Scopes By SIF Policyholders to Initiate Emergency Restoration due to State Bid Law rules.
On A Positive Note Our Broker helped us resolve issues quickly and is currently working with excess on specific guidelines to follow after a CAT Loss Our Independent Adjusters remained loyal to the SIF The SIF made advance funds immediately available to hardest hit locations.
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