Jeopardy Opening Robert Lee | UOIT
Game Board $ 200 $ 200 $ 200 $ 200 $ 200 $ 400 $ 400 $ 400 $ 400 $ 400 $ 10 0 $ 10 0 $ 10 0 $ 10 0 $ 10 0 $ 300 $ 300 $ 300 $ 300 $ 300 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 Multiple Comparisons 1-way ANOVA 2-way ANOVA Surprise! Random
Multiple Comparisons: $100 Using the Bonferroni formula, if I do 7 comparisons and want to keep my familywise error rate at.05, what is my per-comparison error rate going to be?.05/7 =.007
Multiple Comparisons : $200 For an independent variable with 7 levels, how many possible pairwise comparisons are there? 7(7-1)/2 = 7*6/2 = 21
Multiple Comparisons : $300 In addition to reducing the PC error rate, what is the other way to control the FW error rate? Make fewer comparisons.
Multiple Comparisons : $400 In a study with 5 groups, each with 10 participants, I do a pairwise t test on the comparison between group 2 and group 5. What are the df for this test? k(n-1) = 5*9 = 45 (because my pooled standard deviation comes from 5 groups, not 2)
Multiple Comparisons : $500 In an experiment with one IV, the treatment means are M1 = 1, M2 = 2, M3 = 3, and M4=4. Calculate the value of the contrast specified by the coefficients (-1, -1, -1, +3) (-2) + (-3) + 12 = +6
1-way ANOVA: $100 If the null hypothesis is true, what is the expected value of F? 1
Category 2: $200 Answer Question
1-way ANOVA $300 If the result of a 1-way ANOVA is F(3, 46) = 4.94, p =.005, what is the total sample size? 50
1-way ANOVA : $400 In a 1-way ANOVA, Jack scores a 12. The average of his group (i.e., that received the same level of the independent variable) is 15, and the grand mean is 10. What is the treatment term for Jack’s score? 5 (M j – M = 15 – 10 = 5)
1-way ANOVA : $500 What is the F value in this table (4 treatments, with 4 participants in each)? 16 SourceSSdfMSF treatment error 24 total120
2-way ANOVA: $100 3 (main effect of A, main effect of B, and A*B interaction) In the structural model for a 2-way ANOVA, how many treatment effects are there?
2-way ANOVA : $200 In a 6 x 2 design, how many simple effects are possible? 8
2-way ANOVA : $300 In a 6 x 2 design with n = 5, how many participants are there 60
2-way ANOVA : $400 In a 4 x 5 ANOVA with n = 5, what is df Error ? x 5 = 20 cells, with 5 participants each, so N = 100, and df total = 99. df A = 3, df B = 4, and df AB = 12, which leaves 80 df Error.
2-way ANOVA : $500 In the table above, what is the F value for the omnibus test? SS Explained = 24, df = 5, MS = 4.8, F = 2.4 SourceSSdfMSF Illustration Sentence Illustration Sentence Error Total212 99
ANOVA Surprise!: $100 True or false: The between estimate of population variance is only accurate when the null hypothesis is true. True
ANOVA Surprise!: $200 What type of analysis looks at the effect of one Factor on the DV at each level of the other factor? Simple effect
ANOVA Surprise!: $300 In a 1-way ANOVA with 5 treatment groups (n = 10), how many terms will be summed to calculate SS Treatment ? 50
ANOVA Surprise!: $400
ANOVA Surprise!: $500 What is a k for all participants in cell 22 ? M 2. – M.. = 10 – 15 = -5 B1B2B3B4 A1 5 A2 M 22 = A
Random: $100 In a 2-way ANOVA, how many interactions are possible? 1
Random : $200 What is the main problem with the Bonferroni adjustment? It overestimates the true FW error rate.
Random : $300 In an experiment with one IV, the treatment means are M1 = 1, M2 = 2, M3 = 3, and M4=4. For a contrast specified by the coefficients (-1, -1, -1, +3), what is Σα = 12
Random : $400 Explain in words the following expression: ε i ~ N(σ 2 ). The errors for each group are distributed normally and with the same variance.
Random : $500 What is wrong with this write-up? The 2-way ANOVA showed that at least one of the factors (or their interaction) had a statistically significant effect on perceived Risk of flying, F(9,541) = 3.274, p =.001. Individually, both Age, F(4,541) = 2.389, p =.050, and Gender, F(541,1) = 6.618, p =.010, had significant main effects on Risk. The Age Gender interaction, however, was not significant, F(4,541) = 1.953, p =.100. Df for the main effect of gender are reversed.
How much do you want to wager? Daily Double 1 Wager
In a 1-way ANOVA, what are the 2 components that explain an observation’s deviation from the grand mean? Treatment effect and an error component (τ + ε) Daily Double 1 Q & A
How much do you want to wager? Daily Double 2 Wager
A 2-way ANOVA is robust to which assumption when the design is balanced? Homogeneity of variance. Daily Double 2 Q & A
How much do you want to wager? Final Jeopardy Wager The category is: Calculations
What is αβ 13 ? α 1 = M 1. – M.. = 5 – 15 = -10. β 3 = M.3 – M.. = 15 – 15 = 0. αβ 13 = 8 – ( ) = 8-5 = 3 Final Jeopardy Q & A B1B2B3B4 A1 M 13 = 8 5 A2 10 A
Game Over