9 countries take part in the project ‚How different are we?‘ Each country chose a typical national tale They sent it to the other countries After receiving the tales, the students read them The students discussed their feelings connected with the tales Finally we analyzed them
Our story: ‚A story about how the dog Bodri died‘ This is a story in relation to this area of Slovakia We translated it into English We sent it to all the other countries 4 students acted it out in front of their schoolmates + in front of the other schools (in Spain)
Italy: The Adventures of Pinocchio Spain: Sant Jordi‘s legend Czech: The clever mountain lass Romania: Master Manole Latvia: The little orphan and the mother‘s daughter Lithuania: Legend of Vilnius Turkey: Story of Crazy Dumrul Bulgaria: Hearty/Kindly Gift
Italy – The adventures of Pinocchio The Fire Eater gave Pinocchio 5 pieces of gold. Pinocchio was very happy because he wanted to buy a new coat for his father and an ABC book for himself. On his way home he met a fox and a cat and they told him that if he buried his 5 gold pieces, on the next day he would find 25 hundred pieces. Pinocchio believed this and followed them.
Spain – Sant Jordi‘s legend There was an evil monster in the town of Montblanc, which killed many people. One day the king had to give his daughter to the monster. The princess went to the cave but a knight saved her and killed the monster and then disappeared mysteriously.
Czech – The clever mountain lass The story is about a girl, Manka, who was very smart. She solved the procurator‘s riddle. Because of this the procurator married her and when she proved that she was even smarter than him, he let her decide everything. Romania – Master Manole A Romanian king ordered his men to build a monastery but the walls always collapsed so the masons had to sacrifice Manole‘s wife. At the end the king killed his men because he wasn‘t satisfied with the monastery.
Latvia – The little orphan and the mother‘s daughter The little orphan who served fo a mean lady dropped a spindle in the well. She jumped in to find it and she met an old man. She had to make him a bath and on the next day he gave her the spindle and she had to choose between a small and a big box. She chose the small one – there was gold in it. Because of this the lady sent her daughter to the old man but she chose the big box and their house burnt down.
Lithuania – Legend of Vinius Duke Gedimenas saw a dream about an iron wolf which was yowling very loudly. The dream meant that he had to build a town that would be strong as iron. He did this and named the town Vilnius. Turkey – Story of Crazy Dumrul Crazy Dumrul had to give his soul to God, but didn‘t want to do it so God told him that he should give someone else‘s soul. Dumrul went to his parents but they didn‘t want to give their souls. Finally Dumrul‘s wife said that she‘d do it but God saved her and Dumrul and he took Dumrul‘s parents‘ lives.
Bulgaria – Hearty/kindly gift The story is about 3 brothers who went to work and after 3 years they met again. 2 of them earned money, but the youngest one had only 3 walnuts – an old shepherd gave it to him but it was a kindly given gift. His brothers laughed at him, but he broke the walnuts and he got sheep, a cart and a beautiful girl. Then his brothers understood what a hearty gift meant.
Opposites Shrewdness – foolishness (Pinocchio) Meanness – humbleness (Little orphan, Kindly gift) Positive things Power, courage (Sant Jordi, Legend of Vilnius) Brightness (The clever mountain lass) Negative things Cowardliness (Master Manole, Crazy Dumrul)