The Role of the Department Chair in Faculty Development May 9, 2007 Presented by the JABSOM Faculty Development Program
Agenda Roles and Responsibilities of Department Chairs Annual Faculty and Chair Reports Promotion and Tenure Post-Tenure Review Mentoring Faculty Orientation Other: Successor Plan
Roles and Responsibilities of the Department Chair in the School of Medicine (November 2003) Faculty and Staff Entrepreneurship Promotion of Teamwork Educational and Training Programs Research Programs Patient Care Programs Facilities Finances and Budget Remuneration of Departmental Personnel Planning Personal Characteristics Academic Performance
Annual Faculty and Chair Reports Online reporting site: Annual evaluation of faculty Meet with faculty one on one Discuss strengths, weaknesses Reference for promotion and tenure
Promotion and Tenure Preparation Application and review process Additional Departmental Criteria – (refer to sample handout as guide) JABSOM Schoolwide Criteria Promotion Criteria for Clinical Faculty (non-comps) AAMC Brief on Evolution of Tenure Policies for Clinical Faculty at U.S. Medical Schools (handout)
Post-Tenure Review Department expectations (Refer to sample handout as guide)
Faculty Mentoring Sample mentoring activities: – Washington State University (handout)
Faculty Orientation UH address Workload assignments – % of effort assigned to each area of teaching, research, service, clinical (as applicable) Annual faculty reports Contract renewal Promotion and tenure preparation PNF
Useful Links JABSOM Faculty Development Website UHPA Contract AAMC Faculty Development and Leadership
AAMC Medical School Mentoring and Leadership Program Links Medical School Based Mentoring Programs ntoringprograms.pdf ntoringprograms.pdf Medical School Based Career and Leadership Development Programs ultyvitae/spring06/programs.pdf ultyvitae/spring06/programs.pdf
Questions, Feedback Contact: Dr. Rosanne Harrigan Director of Faculty Affairs Lori Matsuzaki Faculty Development Coordinator