Grade 10 History – Roaring 20s and Dirty 30s Jeopardy II Great Depression Rise of HitlerSolving the Depression Society 1930sImmigration
The region in Canada with the highest unemployment rate during the Depression
What is the Prairies?
The name given to first day of the Stock Market crash, 29 October 1929
What is Black Tuesday?
Many farmers could not afford gas for their cars. Instead, the took out the engine and hooked the chassis to a horse. These “hybrids” were given this name.
What was Bennett Buggies?
The event when the drought on the Prairies resulted in the topsoil being blown away by in wind.
What is the Dust Bowl?
Young men were sent to work in these areas far from the cities
What are Labour Camps?
The treaty to end WW1 that Hitler despised.
What is Treaty of Versailles?
In 1933, Hitler claimed the Communists burned this building in an attempt to overthrow his government.
What is the German Parliament?
The title Hitler gave himself once he controlled Germany as a dictator.
What is Führer?
The group Hitler blamed for all the Germany’s economic woes.
What is Jews?
The name of the law that gave Hitler power to ignore the German Parliament and enact new laws to “protect” Germany
What is the Enabling Act?
The name for Prime Minister Bennett’s program of reforms
What is New Deal?
The smallest amount of money you can make at your part-time job.
What is Minimum Wage?
The number of hours reduced from 60 to 48 each week
What is Maximum Work Week?
What is the amount of money Prime Minister Bennett secretly gave from his personal fortune to people who sent him a letter asking for help?
The reason many parts of the Bennett’s plan were rejected.
What is Ultra Vires…a law or change that goes beyond the jurisdiction of the government?
Unemployed men riding the “rails”
What are Hobos?
The new political party that formed to ensure governments take a greater role in the economy and providing more help to people. It later changed its name to the New Democratic Party (NDP).
What is the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (CCF)?
$4.22 per person per week
What is the weekly food allowance during the Depression?
People lined up for food
What is a Bread Line?
By 1933, over 400,000 Canadians needed this to survive
What is charity or government relief? NOTE: Today, it might be called welfare.
This 1923 law stopped Chinese immigration
What is the Chinese Exclusion Act?
This skill was needed to populate Canada’s Prairies.
What was farmer?
“Red Scare”
What is the fear of Eastern European Communists after the 1917 Russian Revolution?
What is the percentage of immigrants from Great Britain between 1920 and 1940?
Immigrants from this country were not “desired” following WW1.
What is Germany?