What’s Happening with Leadership? Latest research …Positioning for the Future is Critical
Strategic Thinkers Are No Longer An Option
Leadership Shortage 53% of the companies surveyed said there is a shortage of leadership bench strength in their companies…
So What are Best Practices in Building Leadership Strength?
Narrow Knowledge Gap Question 1: What are the most effective ways to narrow the gap between staff and leaders? How are you currently measuring the success of your efforts?
Leave Home Without It Question 2: What are the most unique and radical ways companies are ensuring that connectivity has boundaries so that staff and management see value in organic growth of leadership skills?
Marching to Different Drums and IPODS Question 3: With at least three generations of workers, can they happily and productively co-exist? How do you engage them now to be the leaders you need for the future?
Calling All Innovative Leaders Question 4: What are the real competencies today for leaders? How do you develop them in the most unique and innovative ways? How do you create a culture that breeds fantastic, future focused, strategic thinking and enlightened leaders?
7 Factors for Employee Success 1. A culture of openness 2. Opportunities to use their talent and skills 3. A level of autonomy 4. An environment that supports the best in people 5. A realization that the company has a winning future/vision and direction 6. A level of appreciation and recognition for work well done 7. Leadership that exemplifies expectations
Employee Engagement Yin: Listen to others and help them get rid of "employee" mentality Yang: Inspire, challenge imagination
Leadership “Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.” Stephen Covey
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