Employer Body Act as an employer body representing all municipal members and, by agreement, associate members. The Voice of Local Government Support and advise our members on a range of issues to assist effective execution of their mandate. Build the capacity of the municipality as an institution as well as leadership and technical capacity of both Councillors and Officials. Lobby, advocate, protect and represent the interest of local government at relevant structures and platforms. Transform local government to enable it to fulfil its developmental mandate. SALGA Mandate Lobby, Advocate & Represent Support & Advice Capacity Building Build the profile and image of local government within South Africa as well as outside the country. Strategic Profiling Serve as the custodian of local government intelligence and the knowledge hub and centre of local government intelligence for the sector. Knowledge & Information Sharing The Voice of Local Government SALGA MANDATE 3
MTSF MTSF 2010/11 OUTCOMES 1Quality basic education. 2A long and healthy life for all South Africans. 3All people in South Africa are and feel safe. 4Decent employment through inclusive economic growth. 5Skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path. 6An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network. 7Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all. 8Sustainable human settlements and improved quality of household life. 9Responsive, accountable, effective and efficient Local Government system. 10Protect and enhance our environmental assets and natural resources. 11Create a better South Africa, a better Africa and a better world. 12 An efficient, effective and development orientated public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship. COGTA 10-POINT PLAN/ LGTAS OUTCOMES 1 Improve the quantity and quality of municipal basic services to the people in the areas of access to water, sanitation, electricity, waste management, roads and disaster management. 2Enhance the municipal contribution to job creation and sustainable livelihoods through LED. 3Ensure the development and adoption of reliable and credible IDP’s. 4Deepen democracy through a refined Ward Committee model. 5Build and strengthen the administrative, institutional and financial capabilities of municipalise. 6Create a single window of coordination for support, monitoring and intervention in municipalities. 7 Uproot fraud, corruption, nepotism and all forms of maladministration affecting Local Government. 8 Develop a coherent and cohesive system of governance and a more equitable intergovernmental fiscal system. 9Develop and strengthen a politically and administratively stable system of municipalities. 10Restore the institutional integrity of municipalities. Local Government Turnaround Strategy Millennium Development Goals 2011 Local Government Election Manifestos SALGA 5-YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN National Development Plan MEDIUM-TERM STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK
SALGA National SALGA Provinces Represent: Lobby Advocate Policy Formulation Voice of LG Knowledge Hub: LG information to inform Representation lobby, advocacy, support and advice Research & best practices 7 X Goals: 1)Accessible, equitable, sustainable service delivery by LG. 2)Safe and healthy environment and communities. 3)Planning and economic development at local level. 4)Effective, responsive and accountable local governance for communities. 5)Human capital development in LG 6)Financially and organizationally capacitated municipalities. 7)Effective and efficient SALGA administration. 3 X APEX Priorities: 1.Review of the legislative and policy framework. 2.Review of LG fiscal and financial management framework. 3.Improved municipal capacity. Support and Advice: Frameworks/ Guidelines Peer Learning & Build Capacity & HRM Alternative Service Delivery Benchmarking Councilor Support Governance, IGR and IR Planning and LED Financial and Fiscal Management Labour Relations and Human Resources Management Transversal Issues Municipal Service Delivery Annual Report I-PMSO-PMSBudgetRisk Org Capacity APP Employer Body SALGBC LGSETA Strategic Profiling Capacity Building Political and administrative Organizational Underlying Philosophy: Differentiated Approach 5
SALGA CAPACITY BUILDING FRAMEWORK To SALGA meaningful capacity starts with recognizing that all three components of capacity building are addressed in a systematic and coordinated manner (individual, organizational and environmental levels). Out of this recognition and underpinned by the LG Professionalization Framework recently developed in partnership with COGTA, an integrated HRM&D Strategy was developed by SALGA for municipalities in order to direct how institutional HR practices & systems can be managed to support the achievement of a municipality's service delivery and developmental objectives. This strategic framework is also a sound mechanism for determining the levels of maturity in terms of strategic HR and governance processes in municipalities and in doing so applies a differentiated model that enables : - the institutionalization of HR norms & standards; - periodic institutional reengineering& transformation; - compliance to predetermined objectives and reporting obligations; - building a pipeline of efficient, accountable and capable leadership hence the decision to establish the SALGA Centre for Leadership & Governance (to co - exist alongside the envisaged LG School). - the attraction and retention of critical and scarce skills, and - creation of a data warehousing facility and intelligence based system to enhance capacity & management in LG. 6
The HRM&D Strategy Model 7 The core of the HR strategy hinges on the underlying appreciation of how the different elements of HR fit together to create meaning and value for any organisation. This is the framework for delivery, as it sets out the key themes and focus areas and develop the requirements for each functional area. Information Systems & Technology (HRIMS) HR Assurance and Wellness People Management Competence & Benchmarking Strategic HR Planning & Job Evaluations Sourcing and Placing Capacity Building Performance Management Remuneration and Reward Exit Management Organisational Culture Development and Effectiveness Talent Management (Critical Positions & High Performers) Human Resources Administration, Disclosure and Reporting Employee Relations Management (Incl. LR & Collective Bargaining) STRATEGYSTRATEGY People Management Value Proposition Vision Mission Values
INVOLVEMENT WITH LGSETA By virtue of its employer body status, and prior to the LGSETA being taken over by an Administrator, SALGA had 5 seats on the LGSETA Board and in this way fulfilled a corporate governance and fiduciary role in the running of the LGSETA, through participation in policy committees and in complying with requirements set down by the DHET such as SETA constitutional review regulations and in creating relationships between municipalities and FETs. SALGA also fulfils the responsibility of coordination and support to LGSETA processes such as the following: –ensuring compliance with the submission of WSPs by municipalities; –carrying out an evaluation exercise on the submitted WSPs; –consultation on the sector skills plan; –determination of annual and strategic plans of the LGSETA; and –the implementation of critical sector and pivotal programmes such as the as Skills Audit Programmes for Senior Municipal Officials along with COGTA, the Accounting Certificate for Municipal Officials, LLF Training for improved labour relations in municipalities, Higher Education and Training initiatives such as the NCMG through the UJ. 8
PROGRAMMES UNDERTAKEN BY SALGA IN PARTNERSHIP WITH LGSETA Councillor Induction Programme (CIP) –for newly elected Councillors to prepare and orientate them for their roles as Councillors having regard to a myriad of responsibilities they are expected to perform. As part of the delivery objectives of this programme, Councillors education and skills profiles were determined. Councillor Portfolio – Based Development Programme (CDP) –targeted at Councillors who have undergone induction but further development to improve in the performance of their portfolio oversight roles and responsibilities be it in functional portfolios, MPACs, etc. Local Democracy & Local Governance Learning Programme(LODLOG) –targeted at Executive Mayors, Speakers, Chief Whips and Municipal Managers to expose them to cutting edge knowledge exchange and experiential learning. LGSETA provides stakeholder funding to SALGA to enhance its efforts to build the capacity of its constituency on skills development matters. 9
STATE OF RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LGSETA Since disbandment of the Board and the appointment of the LGSETA Administrator, the interaction with the LGSETA has mainly been based on the management and implementation of existing skills and learning programmes; The envisaged consultative and on-going engagement between the LGSETA and critical stakeholders such as COGTA and SALGA has been bolstered by the recent establishment of the Working Group of Stakeholders. Given the myriad of strategic initiatives in the sector that are underway e.g. the professionalization of LG, the mooted establishment of the LG School, SALGA plans to introduce the Centre for Leadership and Governance, the Public Administration and Management Bill (PAMB) that's been recently gazetted by the DPSA for comment and the regulations contemplated by COGTA. A far more effective and strategic relationship between fraternal stakeholders and the LGSETA is required to ensure its relevance, credibility and impact in the sector and not one primarily based on meeting compliance requirements, but one that extends other substantive matters such as the collective determination of the LGSETA turnaround journey amongst other issues. 10
OPPORTUNITIES GOING FORWARD As part of the NDP identified need to build a capable state, including at a LG level, opportunities exist for collaboration with the LGSETA on pivotal programmes of capacity building such as the following: establishment of a LG School; SALGA Centre for Leadership and Governance; Implementation of the Professionalization of LG framework; Further opportunities exist for joint determination of coherent strategies or policy for skills development planning and implementation such that skills development is prioritized at a leadership level of a municipality, that there is credible data and intelligence about the sector’s skills landscape coupled with effective and institutionalized M&E mechanisms to enable an appreciative knowledge of impact. The LGSETA needs to be repositioned as an institutional bedrock of the sector’s capacity building efforts across the board, so that it’s performance is a mirror image of the excellence aspirations envisaged in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. 11