Creating Value by Engaging Employees in the Baldrige Process Matt Fleming President
It Starts at the Top Our CEO is the Baldrige “champion” Senior Leaders are Baldrige criteria experts Senior Leaders are Baldrige category experts Unwavering commitment of all Senior Leaders We implemented Baldrige from the top-down Our CEO is the primary driver of Baldrige
Setting the Direction “Baldrige” in our Mission Mission Statement owned by Board of Directors Mission We distribute shooting, hunting and outdoor products to our Customers, relying on high-performing Employees, cutting-edge technologies, the Baldrige Criteria and other Modern Management Practices.
Setting the Direction We adopted the Baldrige Core Values and Concepts as our Company Values Values 1. Visionary Leadership 2. Customer-Driven Excellence 3. Organizational and Personal Learning 4. Valuing Employees and Partners 5. Agility 6. Focus on the Future 7. Managing for Innovation 8. Management by Fact 9. Societal Responsibility 10. Focus on Results and Creating Value 11. Systems Perspective
Setting the Direction Modern Management Practices is a Company Goal Receiving Missouri Quality Award and Baldrige Award are Key Requirements
Setting the Direction Adopted Baldrige Glossary of Key Terms Regular Monthly Baldrige Category Meetings Baldrige-aligned Strategic Planning Process
The Examiner Process Employees as Examiners helps deploy Baldrige All Senior Leaders are Examiners “The Tipping Point” (2007) We send the maximum number of Examiners allowed by the Missouri Quality Award We use a systematic process for Examiner selection We choose key Employees as Examiners – our current and future leaders
Trained Examiner Measure
Reward & Recognition We celebrate Examiner participation We fully support Examiner participation We formally recognize Examiner participation Profit Sharing rewards Examiner participation
Leadership Development Examiner participation helps develop Leaders Recognized by Leadership Excellence magazine as a top-ten government/leadership program Examiner participation is part of our Leadership Development Program and considered training Part of Personal Development Plans On every Career Map Employees rotate on and off as Examiners “Fast track” Employees get additional experience
Team Building Baldrige breaks down silos Everyone aligns around common goals Less compartmentalization Self-assessment teams
Self-Assessment Measure
Take-Aways 1.We committed to Baldrige lock, stock and barrel 2.Our CEO is the Baldrige “champion” 3.We deploy Baldrige and engage Employees by allowing Employees to volunteer as Examiners 4.We reward and recognize Examiner participation 5.Baldrige is part of our Leadership Development Program 6.We use Baldrige as a team-building exercise