OCTM Standards Task Force Update Math and Science Supervisors Meeting May 11, 2015
Ohio Mathematics Professional Development Summit Thursday, June 25 – 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Tolles Career and Technical Center, Plain City (just northwest of Columbus) For teachers, administrators, mathematics specialists, college and university faculty, school board members, and all who are involved in mathematics professional development in Ohio Primary goal for the summit: To collaboratively re-envision and build upon the statewide structure for K-12 mathematics professional development in order to best support teachers and students -- the core groups engaged in mathematics teaching and learning This will be a collaborative, working event with working sessions and sharing comprising the majority of the day. Register online starting Tuesday via the OCTM website:
OCTM Survey: The Standards Gathering Support and Suggestions Related to the Mathematics Standards We are asking teachers, tutors, and administrators to take a few minutes to complete a brief survey to share your positive experiences with the new standards as well as suggestions for professional development and other needs. A compilation of these responses will be shared with Ohio legislators. You can access the survey via the OCTM homepage:
Mathematics Standards and Assessment Review Committee The OCTM Standards Task Force is following the public meetings of this committee. Carl Jones is on the committee, as is Brad Findell from OSU, along with 6 other members. The third meeting of the committee was held on May 5 at ODE. The committee discussed most of the K-5 standards (which they were to individually review for this meeting) as well as one domain in 6-8. The fourth meeting of the committee will be held on June 4 at ODE (9:00-4:00). They will be discussing the 6-12 standards and possibly some of the Standards for Mathematical Practice, as well as receiving protocols for reviewing the assessment items that were used this spring. You are encouraged to attend!
Ohio Senate Advisory Committee on Testing This committee was formed in January to study testing practices and the impact of these practices in Ohio. Find their latest recommendations and other earlier reports at
PD listed on OCTM site There are many outstanding professional growth activities being offered this summer throughout the state. Visit the OCTM website and click on OCTM News at the left to access a list that is updated often.