Reviewing for Gateway #2 The second Gateway Quiz will be given at the next class session, after we review for Quiz 2 on sections If you have already scored 100%, you do not have to take it again, so you can leave after the review lecture on sections that day.
Please take out your Gateway Quiz 1 sheet out now and have the second page ready to show to me or a TA as we go around to check them off. If you HAVE NOT yet gone over the quiz and gotten it signed, please do so today after class. You MUST review the quiz and get a signature before you will can take Gateway Quiz 2.
Step-by-step pointers on how to solve each of the 8 Gateway problems Printable paper copies of practice Gateways and answer keys.
Before next class period: Review Gateway Quiz 1 with a teacher or TA in 203 and have the reviewer sign page 2 of your worksheet. Take the online Practice Gateway again at least twice. (Your best score on the practice gateway counts that % of 8 points towards your course grade. If you don’t take it at all, you’ll get a 0 point score entered in your online gradebook.) C ome to the open lab for help on homework, reviewing Gateway Quizzes, and help working Gateway problems. Reminders:
Math TLC Open Lab Hours: Next door in room 203 Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. Teachers and tutors available for one-on-one help on homework and practice quiz/test problems. NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY – JUST DROP IN.
In the time remaining in today’s class session, you can do any of the following: Work on the Practice Gateway Quiz Work on Practice Quiz 2 Review your worksheet from Gateway Quiz # 1 with your teacher or a TA