- RAeD Rural Agro-enterprise Development GFAR, Cairo, 13 th September, 2006 Developing a GPP4LFM Shaun Ferris, C. Ostertag, M. Lundy, V. Gottret, W. Bourne and T. Wandschneider
Who is CIAT International Institute of Tropical Agriculture International Institute of Tropical Agriculture International Research Centre within the CGIAR. International Research Centre within the CGIAR. Rural Agro-enterprise Development Project Rural Agro-enterprise Development Project - RAeD Rural Agro-enterprise Development
What do we do? Strategic R&D that focuses on specific issues to enhance market access for the poor. Strategic R&D that focuses on specific issues to enhance market access for the poor. Action oriented R&D on different interventions methods partners are using in an action based R&D platforms that Action oriented R&D on different interventions methods partners are using in an action based R&D platforms that Field tests new methods, tools and application with partners to evaluate the impact of different approaches within a dynamic market situation Field tests new methods, tools and application with partners to evaluate the impact of different approaches within a dynamic market situation
Our Clients and Beneficiaries Clients Clients National / regional researchers National / regional researchers Service providers, NGOs, CBOs, Service providers, NGOs, CBOs, Universities Universities Private sector entrepreneurs / farmer associations, women’s groups Private sector entrepreneurs / farmer associations, women’s groups Beneficiaries Beneficiaries Poor smallholder farmers Poor smallholder farmers Rural traders Rural traders Business service providers Business service providers Processors Processors Consumers Consumers
Fitting strategies to clients Highest wealth quartile Most innovative, well educated and articulate, leadership skilled people This group generally benefit most from social support programs, most interested in new ideas Incremental asset building Social mobility dependent on local economic growth Can follow the first group, but are often not leaders Lower asset group Precarious in terms of their ability to remain with assets gained Seeking change but less able to control their assets and options Poorest of the poor, declining assets Poorly educated, low assets, marginal areas, landless, often receiving food aid / remittances % of this group in a community depends on local economy, shocks and opportunities
Outputs Research papers Research papers Policy briefs Policy briefs Best practise guides Best practise guides Tools and applications Tools and applications Business Information systems Business Information systems Market information / intelligence systems Market information / intelligence systems Innovation platforms via “learning alliance” Innovation platforms via “learning alliance” Profitability models and business tools Profitability models and business tools
New methodologies for Value Chain analysis and development for small-scale producers
Using BDS to “Facilitate the Market” Facilitator Provider Enterprise Direct service provision Donor / Government Provider Enterprise Facilitation of services based on demand Public support Development AgendaPrivate payment, commercial orientation Private sector Government agency Donor funding, NGO Strengthening BDS
Getting the message to the target groups Developing appropriate information Developing appropriate information Getting information nearer to people Getting information nearer to people Socialising the information Socialising the information
Layering Information and Methods First layer is the guides to researchers and consultants First layer is the guides to researchers and consultants Second layer is the guides for practitioners Second layer is the guides for practitioners Third layer is information for farmers Third layer is information for farmers
Engaging with partners Web Rural FM Radio Telecentres Mobile phones
Educational processes Best practices delivered and debated with the community via local language radio programmes
Evaluating and selectingenterprisealternativesL 5 days Agroenterprise design and development of action plans L 5 days Interest group formation and market opportunity identification 5 days Apply, monitor and follow-up 6 months The “Learning Alliance™” 8 months Apply, monitor and follow-up 6 months Apply, monitor and follow-up Business Development Services and their assessment L 5 days Monitoring and evaluation Achieving Impact through a process of co-innovation
Opportunities to:- Build on the existing partnerships Build on the existing partnerships Utilise existing information more effectively Utilise existing information more effectively Apply the information through Apply the information through capacity building programs for market facilitators and capacity building programs for market facilitators and information systems, linkage mechanisms for private sector engagement. information systems, linkage mechanisms for private sector engagement. Initiate an innovation process for market access through Global partnership program Initiate an innovation process for market access through Global partnership program
Discover Your Innovation - RAeD Rural Agro-enterprise Development