BALL STATE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION REDEFINED Community Readiness Initiative Overview Scottsburg October 8, 2014 Dick Heupel Ball State University OCRA Regional.


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Presentation transcript:

BALL STATE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION REDEFINED Community Readiness Initiative Overview Scottsburg October 8, 2014 Dick Heupel Ball State University OCRA Regional Conference

BALL STATE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION REDEFINED Interfacing Initiatives Hometown Collaboration Initiative (HCI) Expansion of leadership and civic engagement to capitalize on innovative strategies Moving from vision to implementation Asset identification and weaving Building Block Strategies: o Leadership o Economy o Placemaking Building long-term, sustainable capacity and planning Community empowerment to promote quality of life and place

BALL STATE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION REDEFINED Interfacing Initiatives Community Readiness Initiative (CRI) High impact evaluation process to foster community planning for positive, productive growth Assessment of leadership alignment with objective data-driven analysis Assessment of community alignment with objective data-driven analysis Determination of Community Readiness Establish community and economic development policy to build successful communities of choice for people and business

BALL STATE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION REDEFINED The Case for Community Readiness Initiative

BALL STATE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION REDEFINED 20 th Century Economic Development Policy Luring investment and jobs Locally based Incentives, infrastructure & job training Assumes people move to jobs

BALL STATE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION REDEFINED 21 th Century Economic Development Policy Luring people Locally based (traditional ED becomes regional) Quality of services, amenity based Assumes jobs move to people


Tradable and non-tradable jobs: Indiana




Why Education Matters in economic development

BALL STATE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION REDEFINED In spite of the exceptionally business-friendly climate Indiana has long enjoyed… …business development by itself is insufficient to continue to fuel prosperity Community Readiness Initiative

BALL STATE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION REDEFINED Community Readiness Initiative What others say: “In the knowledge-driven, computer-networked economy of the future, what matters most is being a place where people want to live: a place with great public schools, clean air and water, wonderful recreational opportunities, low crime rates, and a common bond of community pride and unity. These places, the places where people want to live, will also be the places where companies want to locate.” – Gary Locke U.S. Ambassador to China; former U.S. Secretary of Commerce; former Governor, State of Washington

BALL STATE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION REDEFINED Community Readiness Initiative What others say: “Factors that tend to drive emerging-industry human- resource evaluations include the number of engineers and technicians within the labor shed, the presence of colleges and universities with matching technical programs, the overall educational level of the local work force, and the presence of other higher technology companies and similar industries in the area.” – Phil Schneider and Raj Vahra, Deloitte Consulting

BALL STATE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION REDEFINED Community Readiness Initiative What others say: “While surely both phenomena occur, we think that the evidence supports the view that industries are responding to the area’s skill distribution more than the view that the skill distribution is responding to the area’s industries mix.” – Edward Glaeser Harvard University economist and Author: Triumph of the City: How our Greatest Invention Makes Us Richer, Smarter, Greener, Healthier, and Happier Cities, Agglomeration, and Spatial Equilibrium

BALL STATE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION REDEFINED Community Readiness Initiative What others say: “Keep your tax incentives and highway interchanges, we will go where the highly-skilled people are. They will go where they want to live.” – Carly Fiorina Former CEO Hewlett-Packard and HP Compaq; Former U.S. Senatorial candidate

BALL STATE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION REDEFINED What might we do about all this? Help communities understand “where they are,” so they can develop grounded policies based on “where they can legitimately go” to sustain economic self-sufficiency.

BALL STATE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION REDEFINED What might we do about all this? Develop tools to measure communities’ relative alignment(s):  Elected leadership with quantitative economic data  Community private sector leadership with quantitative economic data  Elected leadership with private sector

BALL STATE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION REDEFINED How might we do this? Measure relative alignment: Leadership with quantitative economic data Community with quantitative economic data Leadership with community Community Leadership Economic data


Step 1: Enroll Step 2:Leadership Alignment Assessment 1 Step 3: Community Alignment Assessment 1 Step 4:Preliminary Readiness (PwR 3 ) Findings 2 Step 5: Grounded Development Policy Notes: 1 Lesser-aligned communities are directed to summits before advancing 2 PwR 3 analysis provides grounded development policies in the areas of (P)roduction, (W)arehouse/Dist, (R)ecreation, (R)etail, and (R)esidential Community Readiness Initiative

BALL STATE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION REDEFINED Community Readiness Initiative Fees:$3,500 - $15,000  Depending on No. of Steps Completed  Depending on “Track”  Fast-Track mode available for communities that demonstrate effective research, planning, analysis, community engagement, and development policy guidance



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