Analyzing Users Creating documents to meet needs
1. What are the user’s goals? Goals influence Tasks –> Content & Organization Motivation -> Tone Attitude -> Tone and Layout
2. What tasks will the user do? Direct – Help readers accomplish tasks E.g. Building a bookshelf Highly specific – one possible scenario Mediated (Indirect) – Help readers learn a tool they use for many tasks E.g. Owner’s manual for a table saw More conceptual – many possible scenarios Tasks influence Content Organization
3. What is the user’s experience level with the task? Levels Novice Experience Expert Indicators No. of similar tasks Degree of tech. knowledge Attitude Learning behavior Experience influences Content/Level of detail Tone Language Examples
4. What’s the user’s subject- matter knowledge? Subject-matter knowledge influences Background information Language Affordances Page design
5. What motivates the user? Internal Achievement Use of Abilities Autonomy Responsibility Creativity Status Authority Recognition Advancement Environmental Independence Job Security Physical Conditions Compensation Variety Activity Level Admin. Management Tech. Mgmt Policies
Motivations (cont’d) Motivations influence Tone Examples Affordances Tips Tricks Layered information Delivery
6. What is the user’s environment? Environment influences References Examples Design
7. What’s the user’s learning preference? Types of learning Instructor (audio) Manual (visual) Experiential (kinesthetic) Learning influences Tutorial design Examples Media
8. What’s the user’s usage pattern? Usage patterns Regular (incremental learning) Intermittent (limited learning) Casual (almost no learning) Usage influences Structure Layout Available forms/content