EuropeAid How can an NGO benefit from EC grants? ‘Calls for Proposals’ Thematic Operations EuropeAid Cooperation Office Athens, 25 September 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

EuropeAid How can an NGO benefit from EC grants? ‘Calls for Proposals’ Thematic Operations EuropeAid Cooperation Office Athens, 25 September 2008

EuropeAid Summary What is a grant? How to apply for a grant? How does the selection work?

EuropeAid What is a grant? Payment of non-commercial nature Achievement of an objective forming part of a European Union policy (or of the EU-ACP Agreement) Implementation of an action or functioning of a body

EuropeAid How are grants awarded? Calls for Proposals o Open or restricted o International or local Direct award in exceptional cases Reference: Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions (section 6)  practical_guide/index_en.htm

EuropeAid Basic rules Programming annual work programme Equal treatmentimpartial evaluation on the basis of published criteria No cumulative grantsonly one grant per action No retroactivityexcept in crisis situations Co-financingunless exception for external actions No profitbalance between income and expenditure PRAG 6.2

EuropeAid How to Apply? (1) Planning and preparation Search for Calls for Proposals o Download documents o Guidelines for Applicants o Application form and annexes (standard contract, budget, logical framework, etc.) Register in PADOR  pador/index_en.htm

EuropeAid Search for Calls for Proposals:

EuropeAid How to Apply? (2) Submission of Concept Note Brief summary of proposed action Opening & administrative check Evaluation of concept notes by assessors Selection and notification of applicants

EuropeAid How to Apply? (3) Submission of Full Proposal Evaluation of full proposals of selected concept notes Provisional selection of proposals & reserve list Request and submission of supporting documents Eligibility verification of supporting documents Final selection of proposals recommended for funding

EuropeAid Evaluation Evaluation Committee o Odd number of voting members o Use of internal and/or external assessors o Confidentiality and impartiality Evaluation criteria: Financial & Operational Capacity Relevance Methodology Sustainability Budget & cost-effectiveness

EuropeAid Eligibility Verification of eligibility of applicant & partners action activities and costs Ineligibility of one partner may result in rejection of application

EuropeAid Further information… General Procedures

EuropeAid Thank you!