Urban Politics Federal Urban Policy III
Aims of Federal Policy: 1 1.Coordination of urban service delivery Transportation networks
Aims of Federal Policy: 1 Land use planning
Aims of Federal Policy: 1 “Quality of Life” –measures that make living in most parts of the city safe and attractive
Aims of Federal Policy: 2 2. Promote health and welfare of citizens by controlling hazards of city life
Aims of Federal Policy: 3 Opportunities for poor: housing, jobs, etc.
High Urban Focus Low Urban Focus ProgramAgency Urban Renewal Urban Industrial Development Public Housing Transportation Welfare Public Health Crime Control Housing Supports Education Income Tax Incentives Military Spending HUD DOT HSS DoJ HUD DOEd Treasury Defense
Federal Urban Policy Keep in mind the importance of federalism as factor in shaping national urban policy Dillon’s Rule and cities as creatures of the state
Congress and Urban Policy Organization and Structure of Congress House of Representatives and SenateHouse of RepresentativesSenate –Committee/Subcommittee –Implications?
High Urban Focus Low Urban Focus Program Congressional Committee Urban Renewal Urban Industrial Development Public Housing Transportation Welfare Public Health Crime Control Housing Supports Education Income Tax Incentives Military Spending
High Urban Focus Low Urban Focus Program Congressional Committee Urban Renewal Urban Industrial Development Public Housing Transportation Welfare Public Health Crime Control Housing Supports Education Income Tax Incentives Military Spending Judiciary Banking & Financial Services Transportation and Infrastructure Agriculture Energy and Commerce Homeland Security House Administration Education and the Workforce Ways and Means Appropriations/Armed Services
Congress and Urban Policy Scattered Bureaucratic and Scattered legislative basis of urban interests Impact?