U1, C4: Federalism
Print moneyCreating and collecting taxes Establish local governments Establish army and navy Setting up courts Exercise powers neither delegated to national government nor prohibited to state Conduct elections Making and enforcing laws Regulate intrastate commerce Make laws necessary to enforce Constitution Provide public health and safety Borrowing money Declare warIssue licensesTaking private property without just compensation Spending money for betterment of general public Regulate commerce between states and internationally Establish post offices and issue postage Ratify amendments to US Constitution Enter treaties with foreign governments
Dual Federalism Layer-cake Essential elements: National government rules by enumerate powers National government limited set of constitutional purposes Each government unit is sovereign within its sphere Relationship between nation and state is characterized by tension States’ rights Inflexible elastic clause; fluid Tenth Amendment
Cooperative Federalism Marble-cake Essential elements: National and state agencies typically undertake government functions jointly Nation and states routinely share power Power is not concentrated at any government level or in any agency Expansive view of supremacy clause Expansive view elastic clause; confined view of Tenth Amendment
Federalism Dynamics National Crisis and Demands Judicial Interpretation Grants-in-Aid Categorical grants (specific purpose): formula, project Block grants (broad general purposes) Professionalization of State Governments Internal changes within the states Legislatures meet more often Higher salaries; more qualified people Ability to raise revenue Support staff more educated/qualified
Ideology, Policymaking, and American Federalism Conservative ideology: dual federalism Liberal ideology: cooperative federalism National intervention in state functions Coercive federalism Preemption: power of Congress to enact laws by which national government assumes complete or partial responsibility for a state government function Mandate: requirement that state undertake an activity or provide a service; national standards Restraint: forbids state government from exercising a certain power Constraining unfunded mandates
Federalism and Electoral Politics National Capital – State Capital links National-level politicians campaign for local candidates Redistricting Process of redrawing boundaries for electoral jurisdiction
Intergovernmental System Municipal government County government School district Special district Fire district Library district HOME RULE: right to act and enforce legislation in certain administrative areas Crosscutting responsibilities