Leadership: Session #2C
Goals for Session Explore enabling structures, conditions and processes for using data and setting goals –Focus: Equity and Assessment Leadership Broaden the depth and breadth of data used for decision making Further develop facilitation skills –coaching moves question stems –conversation starters: using data and setting goals
All ideas will be listened to carefully and responded to respectfully Everyone will have a voice All questions and comments will be presented with the intent to move the collective forward Clarifying questions are welcome Everyone will engage fully in the moment Group Norms
7 Principles of Fierce Conversations Master the courage to interrogate reality. Come out from behind yourself into the conversation and make it real. Be here, prepared to be nowhere else. Tackle your toughest challenge today. Obey your instincts. Take responsibility for your emotional wake. Let silence do the heavy lifting. Conversation Starters, page 22
PRIME Stages of Leadership Minds On: A Focus on Assessment
PRIME Assessment Leadership Review the PRIME Assessment Leadership indicators and leadership action indicators for the three stages of leadership (BLM L.1.4).
Identify the top three actions across the three Assessment Leadership Principles that you are currently engaged in as a leader. Place each red dot above a different action indicator. (We will create a bar graph.) PRIME Assessment Leadership: Data Wall
PRIME Equity Leadership: Data Wall Trends? Questions? Comments? We will revisit the data wall at the end of the day to consolidate our learning and consider next steps for leadership action.
Using Data and Setting Goals Action: CASL, Analyzing IIR & ISD Question Data using TinkerPlots, Refining SIP / BIP
Paul’s Quilt EQAO Winter Assessment Grade 9 Applied , Question 2b [Adapted] Paul’s grandmother is sewing a quilt for him. A quilt consists of pieces of fabric of different shapes sewn together. b) Paul’s grandmother asks him to cut red and white pieces. Every 5 pieces in the quilt consist of 2 red pieces and 3 white pieces. If the quilt has a total of 60 pieces, how many pieces are there of each colour? Show your work.
Collaborative Analysis of Student Learning (CASL) In groups of 4, work in pairs to analyze 2 of 4 samples of student work from Paul’s Quilt [adapted] from BLM L.2C.2. Using BLM L.2C.3, analyze the samples through the lens of: –Mathematical thinking –Problem solving strategies Share your analysis with your group
Collaborative Analysis of Student Learning (CASL) What might be your next step(s) when working with teachers? Identify Assessment Leadership actions addressed (explicitly and implicitly) through this type of professional learning (BLM L.1.4). CASL using a broader range of data for decision making and monitoring.
EQAO IIR & ISD Data Analysis using TinkerPlots
SIP / BIP: Reflection and Refinement With your Swim Partner, examine your own SIP/BIP, then… Join another pair and engage in a facilitated dialogue –Pairs A use the conversation starters for Using Data and Setting Goals (L2.2) –Pairs A engage Pairs B in reflection focused on potential revisions / adjustments to their SIP/BIP. Pairs switch roles and repeat.
Equity and Assessment Leadership Consolidation
PRIME Assessment Leadership: Data Wall Revisit the PRIME Equity and Assessment Leadership indicators and leadership actions for the three stages of leadership (BLM L.1.4). Place each of the following dots above a different action indicator.
PRIME Assessment Leadership: Data Wall Use two sets of three green dots to identify Equity leadership and Assessment Leadership actions that were explored during the sessions. Use two sets of three blue dots to identify those actions which you wish to make happen in your school / board.
PRIME Equity Leadership: Data Wall Trends? Questions? Comments?
Creating a Map for Mathematics Leadership With your Cabin Buddies… –Identify one member as the coach –Coach uses the coaching question stems to evoke and expose further thinking / reflection of your group’s concept map. –As a team, refine your concept map*, adding annotations that are appropriate, including additional insights gained from CAMPPP learning experiences and new connections made between the three frameworks. *will be revisited numerous times over the course of the week.
Reflective Journal How has my new learning shifted my thinking related to… –PRIME Leadership Framework –5 Core Leadership Capacities –School / Board Improvement Planning ? How will I bring this back to my school / board?
Evening Activity Read: Hall and Simeral Continuum Charts