Standards In Practice™ It's a Process
Essential Questions What does rigor look like in your personal or school's instructional practices? What is the importance of teachers doing the assignments the students are asked to do? What does "demonstrating proficiency" of content standards look like?
Problem D-STEP scores on South Dakota Content Reading Standards within Indicators R.3 and R.5 have been consistently low in 2009 and Source: SD DOE Reading Up (2010).
Hypotheses Assessment questions are poorly written and they are not aligned to our SD content standards. The rigor at which the standards are addressed in classroom is not meeting the rigor of questioning on assessment.
South Dakota Content Standards in Practice 50% of the questions on the DSTEP are written at or above the taxonomy level indicated in the standards SD Content Reading Standard - 3.R.5.3 (Application) Students can collect information from two reference materials.
DSTEP Blueprints 7
8 What is rigor? “Rigor is the goal of helping students develop the capacity to understand content that is complex, ambiguous, provocative, and personally or emotionally challenging.” Source: Strong, Silver, and Perini (2001).
9 Original Bloom’s Taxonomy
10 Revised Bloom's - Cognitive Domain Original Bloom’s Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Revised Bloom’s Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Source: Anderson et al. (2001).
11 Steps of the Standards In Practice™ Model 1. We all complete the assignment. 2. We analyze the demands of the task. 3. We identify the standards that apply to the assignment. 4. We generate a rough scoring guide from the standards and the assignment. 5. We score the student work, using the guide. 6. We analyze the student work for pervasive problems. We then plan action at the classroom, school, and district levels, to ensure that all students meet the standards. Source: Mitchell (2005).
Use this dictionary entry to answer the following question. pop, verb 1. to make a short, sharp sound 2. to move quickly 3. to open wide 4. to let go of Read this sentence from paragraph 8 of the passage. They may even pop into an active burrow to escape an enemy. Which dictionary entry gives the BEST meaning for the word pop as it is used in the sentence in the box? A. to make a short, sharp sound B. to move quickly C. to open wide D. to let go of
SIP™ Steps 1. Do the assignment - individually 2. Analyze demands of task (Skills): comprehension, analyzing, evaluating, inferring Identify Standard/s 3.R.5.3 Students can collect information from two reference materials.
The student knows how to use text features in non-fiction text. During Conferencing: 4 - IdealThe student displays understanding of how to use the text features in nonfiction text. The student can easily describe how the features in his or her text help him or her understand the text. 3 - AdequateThe student sometimes displays understanding of how to use the text features in nonfiction text. The student can describe how the features in his or her text help him or her understand the text. 2 - Deficient in one key area The student displays some understanding of how to use the text features in nonfiction text. The student cannot easily describe how the features in his or her text help him or her understand the text. The student displays some confusions. 1 -Deficient in two key areas The student displays little to no understanding of how to use text features in nonfiction text. The student displays confusions. Step 4 - Create a scoring tool (Rubric)
Step 5 -Score Student Work Score student work Come to consensus Has student work demonstrated proficiency of skills or would some students benefit from re- teaching? 3's and 4's are "good to go" 1's and 2's need re-teaching
Use this dictionary entry to answer the following question. pop, verb 1. to make a short, sharp sound 2. to move quickly 3. to open wide 4. to let go of Read this sentence from paragraph 8 of the passage. They may even pop into an active burrow to escape an enemy. * Which dictionary entry gives the BEST meaning for the word pop as it is used in the sentence in the box? Write your answer and tell why that is the best answer. OR * Choose the correct answer. Write another sentence using a different dictionary meaning for the word pop. Step 6 - Revise for Rigor
Standards in Practice™ In Review 1. Problem - SD content standards, D-STEP results 2. Rigor Bloom's Taxonomy 3. SIP™ Model 6 steps
How will you train your “fleas” to jump beyond the lid? What does rigor look like in your personal or school's instructional practices? What is the importance of teachers doing the assignments the students are asked to do? What does "demonstrating proficiency" of content standards look like?
Resources Anderson, L.W. and Krathwahl, D.R. (2001). A taxonomy of learning, teaching, and assessing: a revision of bloom's taxonomy of education. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Mitchell, R. (2005). Building a better assignment. The Journal of Staff Development, 26 (1), South Dakota Department of Education. (2010). DSTEP blue prints. Retrieved from South Dakota Department of Education. (2010). Reading up. Retrieved from Strong, R.W., Silver, H.F., and Perini, M.J. (2001). Teaching what matters most: standards and strategies for raising student achievement. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.