PURPOSE OF TABLE DISCUSSIONS You’ve attended presentations on how colleagues are using ABEL Tools and Resources to support learning and student success the ABEL Tools and Resources themselves This is the beginning of an ongoing discussion on how you and others might use the Tools/Resources in your own classroom/role for teaching and learning. Your inspiration contributes to new ideas for learning innovation!
AS A FACILITATOR Group yourselves in a way that promotes discussion and meets your needs, Respond to a set of generic questions that are in no way intended to limit your discussion, Provide feedback by texting your comments so that we can provide information to the entire group (see handout for instructions).
YOUR IDEAS What are you interested in? Developing learning activities using a specific tool Course Management Systems and e-Portfolios Podcasting and Video Streaming Social Networking Video Conferencing Gaming and/or using Second Life Other Developing a school or department action plan/strategy Developing learning activities with a curriculum or grade focus Other Let’s group at different places in the room.
YOUR INSPIRATION Please reflect on and share: How have the presentations motivated and/or inspired you? What major insights have you gained from both the presentations on how the tools/resources/community are being used to enhance learning and on how to use the tools and resources for success? What tools/resources/community do you intend to use during the coming year and why do you intend to use them?
YOUR COMMUNITY Text your inspirations to Polleverywhere to share with the group. What tool, resource or key idea inspired you today? Go to next slide for poll results
Please reflect on and share: How do you hope to use these tools/resources/community in your classroom/school/role next year? What impact do you think your use of these tools/resources/community might have on your students/teachers/leaders? YOUR IDEAS
Text your ideas to Polleverywhere to share with the group. How do you plan to use this tool, resource or idea this year? Go to next slide for poll results YOUR COMMUNITY
Please reflect on and share: How can ABEL and/or LC help you achieve your goal(s)? In which of the following ways can ABEL best support you during the year: collaboration with colleagues, ABEL training days, web casts, chat rooms, a speaker series, job embedded learning, video conferences, etc. NEXT STEPS
YOUR COMMUNITY Text your concerns to Polleverywhere to share with the group. How can ABEL and/or LC help you achieve your goal(s)? Go to next slide for poll results
What are three statements that you can take back to the community about your ideas and inspiration for the upcoming year. Please return to the large lecture theatre for the wrap-up. Thank you. FINAL COMMENTS