Institute for Social Research in Zagreb Centre for Educational Research and Development Institute for Social Research in Zagreb - Centre for Educational Research and Development (CERD) Danijela Dolenec, Karin Doolan
Institute for Social Research in Zagreb Centre for Educational Research and Development Outline about the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb and its Centre for Educational Research and Development; higher education research; the Centre’s role in the Tempus SCM project ‘MOBIL’.
Institute for Social Research in Zagreb Centre for Educational Research and Development Institute for Social Research in Zagreb public research institute; originally founded by the University of Zagreb in 1964 as the first social science research institution in Croatia; research groups within the Institute carry out fundamental and applied research in a variety of research areas; senior and junior researchers with expertise in various academic areas.
Institute for Social Research in Zagreb Centre for Educational Research and Development research unit within the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb; three basic activities: educational research; educational services; publishing.
Institute for Social Research in Zagreb Centre for Educational Research and Development Funding institutions Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports Open Society Institute European Commission (Tempus programme, ETF, FP7 hopefully) UNICEF World Bank
Institute for Social Research in Zagreb Centre for Educational Research and Development Current research at CERD developing the school-leaving exam system in Croatia (matura); developing key competences for compulsory education; gender (in)equalities in compulsory education; understanding educational (under)achievement at state exams for secondary education; exploring the phenomenon of private tutoring; exploring higher education reform in Croatia; developing a model for lifelong teacher training.
Institute for Social Research in Zagreb Centre for Educational Research and Development Higher education research ‘European standards in higher education and the Croatian higher education system’; Tempus project ‘CAREER’; ‘Higher education completion rates and fee paying status’; ‘The social and the academic in student identities – constructions of the ‘Other’ and student success’; ‘The Bologna process and study progress’.
Institute for Social Research in Zagreb Centre for Educational Research and Development Our role in the Tempus SCM project ‘Mobil’ collect information on the administrative, financial and academic requirements needed for the implementation of ERASMUS (two on-site visits and desk research); develop a questionnaire exploring the administrative, financial and academic capacity of Croatian universities to implement ERASMUS; collect and analyse this information.
Institute for Social Research in Zagreb Centre for Educational Research and Development Our role in the Tempus SCM project ‘Mobil’ organize on-site visits to Croatian universities as follow-up to the questionnaire; conduct visits and analyse collected information; produce a report and draft recommendations on what needs to be done for Croatia’s entry into ERASMUS.
Institute for Social Research in Zagreb Centre for Educational Research and Development Institute for Social Research in Zagreb - Centre for Educational Research and Development (CERD) Danijela Dolenec, Karin Doolan